Chapter 14

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Marie rushed out of the dining hall, and Cole followed, still carrying me. It seemed like forever before we got to our destination, and pain was searing through my body, making it hard to even focus on where we were headed.

"How long before she goes unconscious?" Cole asked, frantic. The heck? Why would he want me to go unconscious?

"About an hour," Marie replied, shrugging.

"She's gonna be suffering for an hour!?" Cole demanded, stopping for a moment. Oh, so that was why he wanted me to pass out. Wait, why was I going to be passing out in the first place? My mind raced for answers to the questions I never even got to ask. 

Just then, another wave of pain wracked through my body, causing a bloodcurdling scream to escape my lips. Cole flinched, and automatically started moving again.

"Isn't there any pain-lessening medications we can give to her or something?" Cole questioned, growing even more agitated by the second.

Marie shook her head sadly, "No. Shifting is supposed to be completely natural, and taking any sort of substance while shifting could greatly damage the process."

Cole nodded his head, agreeing with her.

"Lay her down on the cot and get a cool, damp cloth," Marie instructed urgently.

He did just that and gently laid me on the soft cot, then rushed to the other side of the cold room where a sink stood. In the midst of the pain, I lifted my head just a little bit to get a good look of the room I was in.

It was dark, only lit by torches in the corners of the room, and cold. Very cold. If I wasn't already sweating buckets from the amount of pain I was in, I would've been shivering as if I was in Antarctica. It reminded me of a dungeon, only much cleaner, and not as sinister-looking. The walls were cement, as was the floor and ceiling. It was square, and about the size of an average bedroom.

Cole rushed back, and laid the damp cloth across my forehead. I closed my eyes, grateful for the coolness of it. It was nothing compared to the pain, but hey, at least it was something.

I cried out as another surge of pain spread through my limbs. It felt as if fire was rushing through my veins, then colliding right in my chest, exploding each time and slowly killing me. Wait, killing..? I wasn't dying, was I?

Weakly lifting my hand, I touched Cole's arm, causing his eyes to jerk straight to mine.

"Yes, love?" He asked, concerned, and leaned down so his face is near mine.

"Wh-What's h-h-happening..t-to m-me..?" I whispered, tears leaking out of my eyes. I'd been fighting to hold them in since the pain started, but it got to be just too much to bear. If I hadn't just fell in love with Cole and had the best days of my life with him, I'd have been fine with dying. I'd have gladly died to escape my father.

But no. I loved Cole, and he loved me. I could not leave him. I would not leave him. No. I refused to die! I wanted to shout to God, but felt a little guilty afterwards. It was His choice, not mine. At that, I started to sob. Please, don't let me die..please, I prayed, begging Him.

"You're shifting, Hannah. Your wolf is coming out tonight. Usually there'd be more warning, but not all the time. You're just one of those rare, unique occasions," he replied gently, and gave me a small, reassuring smile.

I nodded, and attempted to breathe a sigh of relief, but ended up failing when I just sputtered a combination of a cough and a sob as my mind went back to focusing on the pain again.

"S-so I'm no-not g-gonna d-d-die?" I whisper-stuttered again, desperately trying to talk so he can understand me.

He chuckled quietly, "No sweetheart, you're not gonna die. By tomorrow morning, you'll be as good as new." Then added, in a quieter tone that I barely heard, "And strong as hell."

I glanced up at him with a puzzled expression, but he just smiled and shook his head.

"P-Please do-don't leave m-me.." I whispered, scared to death that I'd be left all alone in the dark and cold room.

"I wouldn't ever even dream of it, darling," he reassured me gently, taking my small, fragile hand in his large, rough one.

I nodded again, squeezing my eyes shut and clenching my jaw against the oncoming wave of fire.

"Don't worrry sweetheart, you'll be asleep in no time," he assured me, squeezing my hand in a comforting manner.

Sure enough, just as he said that, I was out like a light.


Ok....I am so, soo sorry. I can't believe I forgot but I did and I'm sorry. Again. This chapter is a major fail and I'm so so sorry guys. I promise that from now on I'll try my absolute hardest to do my best on my books and publish them at a decent time...I'm sorry x..(

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