How To Bake

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Dib took Zim down the stair again, as he had offered to make cookies if Zim helped. Zim happily agreed, that is once he learned what cookies were. Gaz was still on the couch, but this time had a controller plugged into some game system and was playing a game on the tv. "What's that?" Said Zim, pointing to the screen. "Super Smash Brothers. The new one for the Wii U." Said Gaz. The screen displayed two characters beating the crap out of each other. One was blue and black and was shooting blue balls of energy from its palms. It reminded Zim of the meekrob. "Can I play?" He said. Gaz raised an eyebrow and looked over to Zim as she defeated her enemy. "Sure I guess. I just hope you're more challenging than the computers. These level nines just aren't cutting it." She said. She tossed a second controller behind her, hitting Zim in the head. Zim picked it up from the ground, rubbing his head. He took his seat on the other side of the sofa. Dib also took a controller and sat close to Zim. Zim did not disagree. Gaz started up a new game after each chose their characters and Dib lost all his lives almost immediately. "Hey! Gaz! Cmon, that was my last life!" He said as he lost it. "It's the aim of the game, Dib." Said Gaz. "Ha ha ha ha! Zim beat you, Dib! Now it's Gaz's turn to lose!" Said Zim, mashing the buttons crazily. Zim put up a good fight, but it wasn't long till he lost a life to Gaz. Zim managed to take one of hers, but only to lose his last immediately after. "Beat ya." Said Gaz, tossing down the controller. "Well Zim, you certainly put up a better fight than the computers, at least." "Rrr, I want a rematch!" Said Zim, standing to face Gaz. "You lost, fair and square." Said Gaz, calmly. "One more round! Are you scared to lose, Gaz thing?" Said Zim, tauntingly. Gaz raised an eyebrow. "Alright. You're on." They sat back down in
the couch, picking their controllers back up. Dib, not wanting to have his butt kicked again, left to get a start on the cookies. Zim jammed his thumbs insanely on the buttons and stuck his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, obviously focused on the game and nothing else. Gaz played calmly, killing Zim's character with ease. They were both down to one life, and by some miracle, Zim managed to push Gaz's character off a cliff, killing her. Zim jumped into the air with a cheer. "Ha! I've beat you, little Gazzy! What do you have to say about that?" Said Zim. "Phht. I let you win." Said Gaz, obviously trying to keep her cool. "It's just that Zim is AMAZING!" Cried Zim. He began to laugh when Gaz punched him in the gut. He fell to the floor, clutching his stomach. "My sqeedly spooch!" He groaned. "That's what you get for challenging Gaz!" Yelled Dib from the kitchen. "Shut your noise tube!" Said Zim. Dib laughed. "You know, you're not so bad, Zim. You're easy to beat up and make a decent challenger. Plus you're more fun than most the people round her." Said Gaz. "Well of course I am! I AM
ZIM! Zim is master of all!" Yelled Zim, shaking his fist. "Even getting his butt kicked?" Yelled Dib. "Ye- Stop twisting my words, Dib stink!" Said Zim. Dib laughed again. Zim huffed and turned back to Gaz. "Does this declare friendship between us now? Because you, Gaz human, are one of the less disgusting humans." Said Zim, crossing his arms. "Phht, I don't know. You don't declare friendship. You just let it happen. It's not like dating. Speaking of which, what's up with you two?" Said Gaz. "Oh, we're not dating technically, but we both like each other." Said Dib. "Then shouldn't you be dating?" Said Gaz. "Yeah, probably." Said Dib. He emerged from the kitchen, slightly dusty with flour. He got down on one knee and held out something in a wrapper. "Zim..." He unwrapped the thing, revealing a raspberry ring pop. "... Will you be my boyfriend?" Zim smiled and took the ring pop from his hands. He shoved it in his mouth. "Yerph!" He said, but the word was muffled between the pop. "Excuse me?" Said Dib. Zim removed the candy. "Yes!" He said. He popped it back in his mouth with a smile. Dib stood and took the lollipop from his mouth. He gave it a lick and popped it back in Zim's mouth. "Hey!" He said, taking it out of his mouth on his finger. "It was mine." Said Dib. "But then you have it to Zim! It is mine now!" Said Zim, holding it to the lollipop to the air. Dib shrugged and pulled Zim by his hand to the kitchen. "Now, you have to help me with these cookies. I barely know how to do it myself." Said Dib. "So you ask the one who just learned what they were today?" Said Zim. He had a point. "But I thought you were the master of all?" Said Dib, spreading his hands out for effect. "Yes, I am! Very well! We shall make these cookies!" Said Zim, raising his fist to the air. Worked like a charm. They began to pull various ingredients from
cupboards, Zim often spilling flour and sugar on himself. Dib assumed he spilled the sugar on purpose. The flour was just carma. They couldn't find any measuring cups, so they had to use their hands. Dib was starting to regret offering to make these. Eventually they had finished the dough, which was dough to some extent, and they put it on a pan in separate little dough balls. They put it in the oven and Zim's immediate reaction was "Are they done yet?" Dib sighed. "No, Zim. They won't be done for another hour. Be patient." He said. "Patient?" Said Zim. This was going to be one long hour. "In the mean time he minus well clean up our mess. Dad'll be mad if he comes home to such a mess." Said Dib, putting the sugar away. Zim huffed. "Fiiiiine." He said, crossing his arms. "Just help me." Said Dib. Zim walked to the counter and put the empty bowls in the sink. "There. Helped." He said, crossing his arms. "Zim, you need to keep helping me." Said Dib, tapping his foot on the ground. "Fiiiiiine! You are lucky to have the amazing help of ZIM!" Said Zim, and he walked over to help. "Yeah, lucky's the word." Said Dib, rolling his eyes. "Yep." Said Zim, oblivious to the fact the Dib was being sarcastic. Dib rolled his eyes for what had to be the twenty first time today. They finished cleaning and sat at the table to wait for their cookies. "Are they done now?" Said Zim. He'd been asking this for the past 45 minutes now. "No! Jeez Zim, how many times do I have to tell you! They won't be done until the oven makes a ding noise!" Said Dib, growing impatient with Zim. "It's making one now." Said Zim. "No it's not!" Said Dib. "You can't hear it? I can." Said Zim. "Well its probably nothing, and just something your sense tube hearing can only pi-" Dib was cut off in a scream when the oven burst into flames. Gaz rushed into the kitchen "DIB WHAT DID YOU DO?" She yelled. "I DON'T KNOW!" Yelled Dib over the flames. He ran over to the sink and pulled the sprayer hose like thing and sprayed water at the oven. Gaz took the fire extinguisher and sprayed over their fire as well. Zim just sat and watched. The fire was soon reduced to ash and Zim walked up to the siblings, clapping slowly. "What two master fire fighters you are. Bravo." He said sarcastically. "Well you could have helped, Zim!" Said Dib, putting the hose thing away. "And put out that beautiful fire? No way!" Said Zim. Gaz took the hose into her hands and held it up to Zim, spraying him. "Ah! My skin! My superior skin!" He yelled as smoke fluttered into the air. "C'mon Gaz, we don't want another fire." Joked Dib. Gaz shrugged and lowered her weapon then put in back in the sink. Zim stood, wincing. Dib tossed him a towel and opened the oven. Sure enough, the cookies were burnt to crisps. He took them out of the oven. "Dang it! We ruined them."Said Dib, removing his oven mitts. "YOU ruined them. Zim had no part in this!" Said Zim, drying off. "Yeah whatever. So much for cleaning up our mess." Said Dib, looking to the ruined stove. "Let's see what we can do before dad gets-" but Dib was cut off by the sound of the door opening. "Kids! I'm home! I got home early so we can watch a movie tonight, together!" Said Membrane's voice from the living room. Normally Dib would have been ecstatic that his dad was home for some family time, now he wanted him to leave before he found out about the stove. Unfortunately, Membrane walked into the kitchen. "Hello son! Hello daughter, and hello friend of my so- what happened here?"

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