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The next day was like any other. Dib went through classes, extremely bored, went to the bathroom to get away a few times, and took what was supposed to be notes, but looked more like little doodles. That is, until lunch. Dib took his seat at the same table as always, but after a few minutes, he noticed something was wrong. Zim hadn't come to sit down. Dib abandoned his seat and looked around the room for the green skinned teenager. He spotted the colorful alien through the glass doors that lead to the outside tables the skool had installed recently. He was sitting outside with his tray at the table gloomily. Dib advanced to the doors and through them to see what was wrong. "Zim? What are you doing out here?" Zim didn't even make eye contact to respond. "I'm tired of these walls. Tired of the smell. Tired of this stinking planet." He said miserably. "You're homesick." Said Dib. Zim shook his head. "I can't be homesick. This is my home now." Dib's eyes sadden. "I hate this planet." Said Zim, but instead of his grumbly complaining voice, he sounded truly miserable. Later that day the students filed out of the building as the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Dib walked alongside Zim, who was still looking very gloomy. "You ok?" Said Dib, taking his hand. "I... Yeah..." Said Zim. He was not. He hadn't even said anything about him being Zim. "You're not fine." "So. Why do YOU care?" Said Zim. "Because I'm your boyfriend and I love you." Said Dib blatantly. "Leave me alone." Said Zim. "I'm not going to leave you alone until you're happy." Said Dib authoritatively. "Just go away!" Said Zim. Dib reached out for his arm, but Zim was speedy, and easily evaded it when running from the boy into the road. It happened in the blink of an eye. The car whizzed by and Dib screamed, as did Zim. The alien lied on the ground, a pile of green and reds, as the car drove from the scene, unconcerned that it had hit a person. Zim struggled to breath, and his vision was blurry. Burning pain came from every part of his body. But in those moments, he looked to the sky, and saw the earth's sun, shining bright. So this was what it was like to die. He looked at the world, and before his vision faded, leaving him with one last glance at Dib, he saw something he'd never seen before in the planet. Beauty.

Then darkness.


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