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Gaz looked up from her game for a split second before grumbling in response and looking back down. "Why aren't you at skool?" Said Dib. "Why aren't you?" Said Gaz. "Cause... That's beside the point!" Said Dib. "The new game slave three came out today. I'm not going to miss it just because I'm at skool." Said Gaz. "Game slave? Does it make you a slave? Oh, what an ingenious plan!... Which the humans obviously stole from me!" Said Zim. "No, it's just a game, idiot." Said Gaz. "Game? Let me see!" Said Zim, climbing onto the couch. He squeezed his face next to Gaz's, staring at the screen. "Ooh! What's this! It looks flashy and fun- are those pigs? Woah! How'd you do that? Oh oh yes! Kill em! KILL THEM ALL! MWA HA HA-" Zim's manically laughter was cut off when Gaz pushed him off the couch. Zim sat up, rubbing his head. "Ow!" He said bitterly. Gaz snickered. Zim got to his feet and dusted himself off. He turned to Dib, who was also trying to hold back a laugh. Zim scowled. "Shall we go to your room?" He said, angrily. "Sure thing, Zim." Said Dib with a laugh. Gaz looked up for once. "Wait... You're willingly going to the same room... All alone... Except for with each other?" She said, pointing back and forth between them. "Yes." Said Zim simply. "What's wrong with- oh. OH! GAZ!" Said Dib. Gaz snickered. Dib grabbed Zim's hand and pulled him up the stairs, blushing. "I'm seventeen. Seventeen! Why would she say that? She's so messed up!" Were some of the things Dib mumbled as they walked up the stairs. They got to the top of the stairs and Dib entered his room, pulling Zim with him. Zim sat on his bed and Dib took the chair by his computer. They sat in silence for a bit, giving Dib some time to think. Why had he felt so scared when admitting to Zim? And they both loved each other. Zim wasn't trying to kill him anymore either. And he already knew he was gay, and he'd always been ok with it. So what was so scary about this? He was scared to fall in love, but why? Then it hit him. What if love didn't catch him? Just because Dib fell didn't mean he would be caught. He was afraid to have his heart broken again. Your love is where I'm falling... But please don't catch me... Tears slipped down Dib's face. What if Zim left him? What would he do then? What if this was all a joke? What if Zim didn't love him? What if... He fell, but hit the floor? ...If this is love then please don't catch me... "Dib thing? Are you ok?" Said Zim, standing up to come to Dib's side. "Zim, I'm scared." Whimpered Dib. "Of what? I'll get whatever is scaring you-" "I'm scared of love." Said Dib. "L- love? Why?" Said Zim. "What if... You leave? What if you die? What if you break my heart like others have done? I'm scared to fall in love because I don't want my heart broken again." Said Dib, shaking. "Dib thing! Don't speak that way! I'll never leave you! I love you! I promise I'll never break your heart. Ever." Said Zim, hugging Dib in. "Do you promise to catch me when I fall in love?" Said Dib. "Promise. Cross my heart. Invader's honor." Said Zim. ...I'm giving up so just... Dib grabbed Zim's face and kissed him. ...Catch me...

Bit of a song fic here, the song is catch me by Demi Lovato cause it just fit so perfectly! Actually that song came on when I was writing this part.

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