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As soon as Dib stepped into the class room, all the students stared and exchanged whispers. "Ok..." Said Dob slowly, then went to sit down. "Hey Dib." Said Zita, twisting in her seat. "What." Said Dib, uninterested. Zita pulled out her phone which was on the picture Gretchen had taken the day before. "Is this you and Zim?" Dib blushed a bit before confirming that it was him and Zim. "See! I told you all, he's gay!" She whispered to her posse. Dib rolled his eyes and rested his head in his hand, preparing to sleep through the whole lesson that was to follow. The picture that Gretchen had posted had become the new gossip of the skool, as Dib soon found when lunch time came around. Zim and Dib sat next to each other on the bench of the cafeteria table awkwardly as students whispered and pointed, every now and then looking over. Dib ignored them and went back to fiddling with his food. The students kept spreading what he assumed must have been ridiculous rumors, which, like anyone, made his feel awfully uncomfortable. Then, one of the students felt the need to yell "Hey! They're gay! And they kissed! They can be happily insane together!"Dib shot a look in his direction. "I am not insane!" "Yeah you are! And your head is big too!" Dib sighed and placed his head on the table, banging it a few time before settling down. "What. Are. You. Doing." Said Zim. "Banging my head on a table." Said Dib. Zim shrugged and went back to poking. He lifted some mashed potatoes on his fork and waved them in front of Dib's face, a wide devilish grin on his face like the ones he used to have whenever forming a plan. Dib shrieked and jumped back, not wanting worse eyesight than he already had. Zim cackled at Dib's reaction. It was another tortuous two hours before skool was over. Zim and Dib actually got some work done in art that day, they had their design all ready and simply needed text and a final copy. They exited the building together, hand in hand, laughing so loud that people stared. But who cares. Definitely not them. They were too caught up in each other now that no one else mattered. The grounds were mostly empty now, they had been late to leave today. Dib just felt on top of the world. He felt like he just couldn't smile big enough. Now was the perfect time to play a love song. So he played his own in his head. He grabbed Zim's hand and ran. They ran down the street, laughing in the sunlight. And they stopped at a farmilar place. Their elementary skool. The sight filled both with nostalgia. Dib pulled them into the old playground and pointed to the tree. "Remember when we used to climb this tree when we were kids?" He said. "You were a kid. I was 159 in your years and 16 in my own. I'm still 16 now." Said Zim. But the bittersweet memories flooded his mind then, and he sighed. "But yes, I do remember. What amazing times those were." He said. "I think we have better times now." Said Dib. Zim smiled. Dib let go of his hand and climbed up the tree, much more skillfully then me used to. Zim followed using his spider legs. They sat on the same branch they always had, hand in hand. As they sat Dib babbled on and on about Bigfoot sightings and haunted houses, none of which Zim payed any attention to. "And they say the Righys live in a haunted- are you even listening?" Said Dib. "Not really." Replied Zim. Dib sighed. Zim, thought that it would be funny to watch Dib tumble from the tree, as so he shoved the skinny teenager. Dib yelped and ended up hanging upside down on the branch. Zim laughed and did the same. "What was that for?" Said Dib. Zim's wig fell to the ground but there was no one around, so neither cared. Zim grabbed Dib's face and pulled it to his lips. They shared an upside down kiss. They parted and Zim flipped of the branch, landing gracefully on his feet. Dib, not so much. Zim laughed as Dib fell on his butt from the branch in attempts to mimic Zim's move. Dib smiled in spite of himself and got to his feet. Looking down to his watch, he noticed it was getting late. "I gotta get home. Gaz'll be mad." He said. Zim pouted. "Fine. I'll see you tomorrow, Dib stink." "Bye." Said Dib. He waved and ran out of the old skool grounds. Zim sighed watching him go and climbed back up the tree, for old times sake.

Ok so apparently a lot of people like this story, even though I kinda think it's a bit out of character. But I guess if people like it so much, I'll keep posting it. Anyway, I haven't finished it yet, so the writing will get better. Thanks for reading!

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