Walking about

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Zim felt like he was walking on air. He'd just kissed Dib. And it felt great. Nothing mattered now. It was just them, together. Dib and Zim held hands as they walked down the sidewalk, away from the skool. Zim knew they'd have to return at some point, but that didn't matter now. All that mattered was them. So this is what it feels like... To be in love. It feels... Amazing. Thought Zim. "Dib?" He said. "Yeah?" "Don't worry about people being jerks about this. I won't tell anyone." Said Zim. Wow was it weird to be kind. "What makes you think I care?" Said Dib. "Well, I learned that two males liking each other is called gay and some people are mean about it." Said Zim, proud of his 'vast sea of intelligence'. Dib chucked. "I don't care if people make fun of me! I'm used to that. I won't be embarrassed. Besides, it doesn't matter what people say, as long as I've got you." Said Dib. Zim smiled. He never thought anyone would ever say anything like that to him. "You're not acting like yourself." Said Dib. "Am I not?" Said Zim. "No, you seem a lot happier than usual. But I like you that way." Said Dib, clutching Zim's hand even tighter. Zim squeezed back in excitement. Finally he couldn't hold it in any longer and let go of Dib's hand. He ran up as fast as he could, jumping about and cheering. He ran back to Dib and pulled him into a hug. However, the embrace was harsh, and Dib fell backwards despite Zim's light weight. Dib chuckled and pushed Zim away so as to get up. "You're acting like a girl who just got asked out by her crush." He said. Zim stood up and put his hands on his hips. "I am not!" He protested. "Oh really, mister hands on his hips?" Said Dib, also standing. Zim dropped his arms. "Your face is stupid!" He said, turning to keep walking. Dib laughed and followed. "So where are we going?" Said Dib, catching up with the irken. "Where? I don't know. I thought you had something in mind." Said Zim. "It was your idea to leave!" Exclaimed Dib. "Yes! I did that, now you do some work!" Said Zim. Dib rolled his eyes. "We could get lunch or something." He said, shrugging. "I can't eat your filthy food! It makes me... Make little... Sicky noises." Said Zim, wiggling his fingers. "We could... Go to my house. Gaz won't be there and my dad probably won't either, he's always at work." Said Dib. "Mmm... Alright then. I could use some quiet. GIR is soooooooo loud." Said Zim. They set on course for Dib's house, again taking each other's hands. When they reached the house, Zim looked at it as if it were the strangest thing he'd ever seen. Zim had never seen the outside of Dib's house and had barely seen the inside. He had however, seen the toilet. Dib led Zim into the house by his hand. "Alright, here it is. Home sweet home." Said Dib, closing the door. "So no one is here?" Said Zim. "Nope." Said Dib, hanging up his jacket. "So I suppose your sister over there is just my imagination." Said Zim, pointing to Gaz, who was sitting on the couch with her game slave. Dib turned. "Oh. Hi... Gaz."

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