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Warning: This chapter is full of depression and some self harm so if you feel you may be triggered, skip this chapter!

It had been five months. Zim had been gone for the same amount of time that he'd been with Dib. But somehow it felt like it had been a million years, rather than five months.
Dib's health had slowly been going downhill, but he didn't care. He refused to eat, he only ate when Gaz had to shove the food down his throat. He stayed in his room all day, and skipped school almost everyday.
There was not a single night without tears.
Dib, at first thought that saving the world was his purpose. He thought it was his dream. But he was wrong. Zim was his purpose. Zim was his dream.
And his dream was dead.
His purpose was dead.
He began to cut. It made him feel something when everything else was numb. It made him feel in control of something in his life when crazy things happened all around him, when people died and he couldn't do a thing.
Even Gaz saw Dib's mental health slowly deteriorate, and even she was worried for him. After all, they were brother and sister. However, Gaz didn't know what to do. So she did nothing. And of course, the Professor was never around to notice anything.
"Zim was the only one that cared." He whispered miserably into his pillow.
"No one else cares." He said over a sob, gripping his pillow tightly. He rolled over, tears were pouring from his eyes, and his face looked extremely pained. Turning his head to a piece of paper and a pen, he nodded, knowing what he had to do.

See, when your life purpose is dead, you have to no purpose in life. So, then why are you still there?
And, when someone steals your heart and runs away, well, you can't live without a heart.

His backpack was slung across his back sloppily and he had a note in hand as he walked, teary eyed to the irken boy's old house.
He knew that he was a mess now, but he didn't care if people saw. He really just didn't anymore.
Arriving at his destination, he pushed open the door and walked into the tall green house. It was dark inside and the paint looked a bit peeled, but other than that, it was in perfect shape.
Too many memories flooded through Dib's mind then, memories of he and Zim sitting in the couch together, cuddling. Memories of he and Zim watching scary movies until Dib was too scared to leave and stayed the night with Zim. Memories of trying to make morning pancakes in the kitchen and failing horribly. Memories of kissing Zim on that couch. Bittersweet memories.
Dib squeezed his eyes shut as more tears poured from them and sobbed as he let the backpack slid over his shoulder onto the ground.
He knelt down to open it up and pulled out a black handgun.
He looked it over, the metal was cold and starting to rust, the gun itself a dark black.
He stood up, gun in hand.
"Zim... I love you." He whispered, "I miss you too much to stay here. And you're not coming back."
He took a deep breath.
"So I'm joining you."
He slowly began to raise the gun, sobbing uncontrollably, until there was a loud whirring followed by a BANG that made him drop the gun on the floor in surprise.
And the door opened behind him. Dib turned to see the green irken, uniform torn, with a sleeping GIR underneath his arm.
Zim looked to the gun on the floor and Dib's tears and he understood immediately. But he wasn't mad. He knew why.
So he smiled and spoke.
"Miss me?"
A smile threw itself across Dib's chapped lips and he ran forward to the alien, hugging him tight. Zim dropped GIR to hug back and he dipped down his boyfriend, looking over him with the happiest look in his eyes that had ever been there.
And he kissed him.

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