The Professor is home.

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"Hi dad..." Said Dib, waving to his dumbfounded father. "Son... What happened to the oven?" Said the professor. "Uh... Well we tried to make cookies... But the stove caught fire." Said Dib. "But... How?" Said membrane. "Well we were waiting and it burst into flames." Said Dib. "Yeah, boy you shoulda seen it! It was like PWHOOSH and it burnt the stove and it was-" Dib gave Zim a look. "To soon?" Said Zim, dropping the arms he'd raised for his demonstration. Dib nodded slowly. "Children..." Said membrane, but an actual sentence failed to escape his mouth. "Yeah... Sorry dad." Said Dib. "Don't worry! I'll fix it with SCIENCE!" Said Membrane suddenly, and he dashed down to his lab for the appropriate tools. "Well, now that that's taken care of... You should have seen yourself! You screamed like a little smeet!" Yelled Zim. "Did not!" Protested Dib. "Did so! You were like AHHHHHHHHHH!" Zim waved his hands in the air for demonstration. "Yeah well now you're screaming like a baby!" Said Dib. "But I'm mocking you!" Argued Zim. "Would you just shut up?" Said Gaz, eyes on her video game. Zim grunted and crossed his arms. "Fine." He said, stubbornly. Dib knew it was just because he was scared of Gaz. Professor Membrane returned a few minutes later. "Son, I see you've changed your mind about the green boy. Glad to see your giving up chasing these INSANE THINGS!" He said as he placed his tools on the counter. "I'll get you, alien stink!" Yelled Dib playfully, chasing Zim around the counter. "Oh no you won't! HA HA HA HA!" Yelled Zim. Zim pulled Dib into a kiss. Dib obliged. Membrane on the other hand, was staring dumbfounded at his son and the foreign boy in his kitchen. Dib and Zim parted and lightly chuckled at the professor's face. "I'll kinda miss chasing you around." Said Dib. "Hmm, yes what wonderful days those were." Agreed Zim. Zim glanced to the clock on the wall. "Ugh, I'd better get home before GIR breaks something." Said Zim. He ruffled Dib's hair. "Goodbye, Dib stink. Thank you for letting me visit your house. Goodbye, Gaz monster, I hope our meetings are less awful from this day forward. And goodbye, Dib's parental unit. Sorry for setting your stove on fire." Said Zim, and he turned to go. "I'll walk you out." Said Dib, taking Zim's hand. He and Zim walked to the front door of Dib's house, hand in hand. "Bye." Said Dib as he let Zim's hand go. Zim walked through the door and waved. He turned around and marched, back straight, to his home.

I suck at chapter names. Just... I do.

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