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They had been dating for five months, and surprisingly, nothing had gone wrong. Of course both went through little phases of depression from time to time, but overall, it was pretty nice. It almost felt like being in a movie.
Other than the fact that Dib was still scared to death of losing the green alien.
Ever since Zim almost died being hit by that car, Dib was terrified that in a fit of depression and fear he might do it again.
They walked into skool that day, side by side, Zim rambling on about something or other that really didn't matter to either of them truthfully. Torque looked over to the couple and snarled, still holding a grudge against Zim for that day long ago. Torque never actually got his revenge, despite swearing that he would almost every time he saw Zim, to which Zim would respond "HAHA! No one defeats the amazing Zim! You'll never be able to do anything, stink boy."
And it was true. He never actually did anything about it.
The skool day was long and terrible as usual, other than lunch, which was bearable.
It wasn't until after skool when anything important happened.
"So are you gonna come over or not, stink beast?" Said Zim as the two walked out of the building.
"I will, I will. I just can't come now because I need to do some homework before I go anywhere. Seriously it's due tomorrow and it's gotta be done. I'll come over when I've finished." Said Dib, patting the small alien's head.
"Why do you even do homework? It's so stupid. And dumb. I shall destroy it someday." Said Zim plainly, though Dib knew he would never actually get around to that.
"Because I've got to to get to college and do something with my life, space boy. See you later! Love you!" Yelled Dib as he turned the corner to his house.
"Yeah yeah, whatever!" Yelled Zim. Continuing on his path to his own home.
He walked up to the tall green building that he's so amazingly placed to fit in so well with these humans and opened the door, tossing his bag into the ground.
"GIR! I'M HOME!" He yelled through the house. However, there was no response, which was extremely strange considering the small robot usually ran into the room and pounced on top of his master screaming in his high pitched voice.
Something was definitely wrong.
"GIR! WHERE ARE YOU?" Yelled Zim. No response.
"Computer! Find GIR'S location." Said Zim, looking up to the ceiling.
"He is in the underground lab, fourth floor down." Said the robotic voice.
Muttering to himself, Zim marched into the kitchen and into the elevator, awaiting to arrive at the fourth floor down.
"GIR! GET OVER HERE!" He yelled angrily, waiting outside the elevator. All he heard was a quiet muffled noise from the corner of the room and a "shhh" noise from the same area.
"GIR this is not hide and seek!" Yelled Zim, searching the lab.
"GIR you better get your- huh!" The tiny irken gasped as he stumbled across the tiny robot, huddled in the corner. But he was tied up and.... Gagged? If a robot could be gagged, GIR would be.
"Hello, Zim."


"Oh, you filthy human! How did you get down here!" Zim yelled angrily.
"Hmm... Dib was right." Said Torque, standing to circle the undisguised extra terrestrial. "You are an alien."
"LIES! GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I STEAL YOUR EYEBALLS AND LAUNCH YOU INTO SPACE!" Screamed Zim, kicking at the teenager, however he missed as Torque dodged.
"Hm... I don't think so. See, this time, I came prepared." He said, revealing what he'd been holding behind his back. A handgun.
The shot rang through the air as Zim luckily dodged, picking up GIR.
"Ha! Your filthy human weapon will never defeat- ack!" A bullet pierced the boy's leg, causing pink blood to pour from the wound.
He quickly extended his PAK legs and scuttled away, holding GIR firmly under his arm.
"Computer! Prepare the cannons!" He yelled desperately, dodging bullets.
A few projectile weapons formed from the ceiling with some clicks and whirring, aiming themselves at Torque.
"I told you I'd get my revenge! I told you! And your little boyfriend is next!"


"Kill him- agh!" Screamed Zim, his voice cracking as another bullet hit his shoulder, luckily the one GIR was not under.
Bullets began to fire at the revenge driven teenager, who was screaming as he continued to fire.
"I have to flee." Zim whispered reluctantly, scuttling further away from more bullets.
"Computer! The voot cruiser! Now!"
A platform arose from the whole in the ground with his trusty ship as hole in the ceiling opened for him to fly out of.
Using his metal spider legs, he launched himself into the ship and called out for autopilot as the ship rose into the air.
The voot cruiser flew from the roof and all holes closed, leaving no trace of the bleeding near death alien other than his foreign blood as bullets mercilessly fired at Torque until he was on his last breaths.
Dib knocked on the door as usual, awaiting the door to open to his favorite green face. However, there was no response. After a minute Dib opened the door himself, stepping slowly into the dark house.
"Zim...?" He called nervously.
No response.
"Computer, can you help me find him?" Said Dib, now much accustomed to speaking to the computer himself.
"Tracking life... The fourth floor down in the lab."
The coffee table in the corner opened, allowing Dib to step onto the platform.
"Thanks!" He called as the elevator went down.
Dib stepped out of the elevator and looked around. No Zim.
"Zim? Where are you?" He called, looking about.
"He's dead."
Dib jumped and looked around for the strangely familiar voice.
"Who said that? Show yourself!" He yelled just before turning to see a crippled bloody body on the edge of death.


He smiled creepily and tried to spit out blood, but was too weak, and only ended up getting a lot more dripping down his chin.
"I killed him. He's gone."
Dib shook his head in disbelief.
"No... You couldn't have! He's got to be here somewhere!" He yelled, despite having to reasoning behind it.
"His blood is all over the floor. I told you I'd get revenge. I told you." He said, so satisfied with himself, so sickly happy that he'd done this. And that smile, that smile of pure evil, the smile that had come from causing the poor alien such pain and ending his life, the smile that took away every smile that Zim would ever have, that smile that took the irken's future, the smile that took Dib's heart and threw it on the ground and smashed it, a million times over and over, was the last thing that was ever on the teenager's face.
"No... No! He can't be dead! He's not dead! You're lying! You're lying! Where is he? WHERE?!? TORQUE, ANSWER ME! ANSWER ME YOU GOD DAMNED ASSHOLE!" He yelled, his voice cracking as he kicked the bloody corpse on the ground, tossing it flailing across the room.
Dib ran over and violently stomped on the skull of the dead boy, crushing it in anger and despair and grief.

Just like Zim always said.


WOW THAT WAS INTENSE AND IM SORRY but yay long chapter! And I'll leave this here for you to ponder about until next week!

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