Another short chapter to satisfy your hunger

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Dib opened his bedroom door. He was a mess. His black hair was tussled and his coat had a small tear in it by the collar. He had a nasty bruise on his face, which he poked at gingerly. GIR has given him a harder time than he'd thought. On the bright side though, he had a nice time with Zim that day. He never thought that he would ever have arranged a date with that alien. If someone went back in time and told his past twelve year old self, well first he'd deny being gay, and secondly would never believe it. Before crashing on his bed, Dib took a quick glance at the calendar. It was the first day of June tomorrow. Graduation was coming soon. It was also coming about time to ditch the coat. Speaking of which, Dib pulled of said coat and carelessly threw it to the floor. He was far to tired to care now, he really just wanted to sleep. "Looks like I underestimated GIR." Said Dib, before dozing off. The next day Dib awoke to the bothersome alarm ringing in his ear. He groaned as he slammed his hand into it, a pitiful attempt to turn it off. Eventually he managed and he forced himself to move. He placed his glasses in their respective place, balancing on the bridge of his nose. He pushed them up further and stripped away his shirt. He tossed the dirty one to the floor and rummaged through his drawers for a clean one. There was a tapping at the window and Dib spun around. Zim was sitting on the outside windowsill, waiting to be let in. Dib blushed a little, realizing he was shirtless, and opened the window to allow the other in. "What're you doing here?" Said Dib, folding his arms over his chest at the cold breeze through the window of the morning. "Walking you to skool." Said Zim blatantly. "Now put on less smelly clothing and let's go." He commanded, climbing onto the bed. "Well don't look!" Exclaimed Dib. "Right." Said Zim. He hopped of the bed and shut himself in the closet. Dib sighed and rummaged once again through his drawers. He changed and welcomed Zim out of the closet, revealing Zim's disgusted face. "It smells like human in there." He said. Dib chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He opened the door of the room, but Zim shut it. "Wha-" "We go this way." Said Zim, pointing to the window. "And how will we get down there? Speaking of which, how did you get up here?" Said Dib. By this point he'd grown too big to slide down the pole on the side of the house. "Like this." Said Zim. He sat Dib on the bed and picked him up bridal style. "Hey, what're doing?" Said Dib. Zim smiled and extended his PAK legs. He pushed himself from the window, leaping into the air. Dib screamed and hugged Zim very close to his body, burrowing his face in Zim's chest. Once they were back on solid ground, Dib slowly moved his head to look out. He pushed Zim away to leave, but instead dropped out of his arms and fell to the ground with a thud. Zim burst into laughter as Dib stared up sourly. He pushed himself up as Zim continued to cackle, rubbing his butt. "Oh shut up." Said Dib. Zim slowed down the laughter and was doubled over, gasping for breath, by the time he stopped. Dib rolled his eyes and took Zim's hand, stomping down the sidewalk. Zim was smiling like an idiot as they walked down. "What's up with you?" Said Dib, glancing over to Zim. "Nothing." Said Zim cheerfully. Dib shrugged and looked forward again. "You know... I really like you." Said Zim. "No, really?" Joked Dib. "Oh no. I totally hate you." Said Zim sarcastically. "Really, do people who hate each other do this?" Said Dib, proceeding to wrap Zim in a hug. Zim's laugh was muffled in the hug. "Or this?" Dib kissed the spot where Zim's nose would have been. "Or this?" Dib kissed Zim's lips now, and Zim kissed back, smiling into it. They parted and both had huge grins on their faces. Dib lifted up Zim and easily placed him on his shoulders. "Yes! Carry Zim!" Said Zim, pumping his fist in the air. "On your mark, get set, GO!" Joked Dib, and he then took off at full speed, Zim cackling on his shoulders. They stopped at the skool and Dib bent over to let Zim climb down. They took each other's hands again and walked until it was time to part ways. They gave a little goodbye kiss, then walked their separate ways.

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