Chapter 2 Coriane

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After breakfast I go back up to my room and straight to my bookshelf. If you have already put two and two together, then you can probably tell that ... I love to read. Everything I can get my hands on. I guess I'm like my great uncle Julien in that way. He loves to read too, I mean I guess so if he's a scholar. That's why he and I have so much in common.

I pick my favorite one, one that Julien gave me about the old world. I'm pretty sure that it belonged to grandma Coriane at some point before she died. And so the fact that Julien made it and then gave it to grandma for her birthday one year I love it even more. It's almost like a tether between us, a bond with her that I never was able to have. And just knowing that she touched it makes me happy that I have something of hers to hold on to.

I grab the old book, already knowing exactly where it is by habit of getting and reading it so many times, and rush downstairs.

"Woah, slow down kid. Before you hurt yourself." Dad calls after as I rush past him in a hurry to get to the door.

"Yeah, I know." I say to him opening the front door, not even looking at it because I'm to distracted with my book.

I go down the front steps of the house and half walk half jog to Tristan's house. He doesn't live that far away because after dad and mom got married Kilorn made her promise that they would never live that far apart, because he didn't want to have to drive or walk to long to get to her just in case something happened, saints forbid. But I don't think thats the only reason why he wanted to live so close, I think it's also because he and my mom have been friends and then best friends since they were young. And he didn't like that she was starting a new life with less of him in it.

So when Kilorn and Cameron got married he built him a house about a block and a half from ours. Me and Tristan are the same age, fourteen and Shade is only a year older which makes him, duh, fifteen. Although he has a late birthday and he's almost I repeat almost two years older, so he's nearly sixteen.

After about ten to fifteen minutes of walking, I finally see the black gate that surrounds their house and start jogging towards it. I didn't tell Tristan that I was coming over so it'll be a fun little surprise, won't it?

I get to the front of the gate, unlatch the door and swing it open. I walk up their driveway and then walk around the rectangular brick columns that hold up the roof of the porch, then knock on the door three times.

I hear a shuffling of feet nearing the door after waiting around thirty seconds, and then it slides open quietly on oiled hinges, and find a squinting blurry eyed Kilorn staring down at me from the door way. He's probably more than a foot taller than me, but really who isn't, and I have to break my neck just to look him in the eye.

"What the heck are you doing here at," he stops to check his watch "Six in the morning, kid?" Then he reaches up a muscled arm to scratch at his eyes.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know if you guys were up or not. I knew I should have called first." I say lowering my voice a little at the end quietly cursing myself.

"Why are you even up- wait what kind of question is that? Your parents are Cal and Mare Calore, king and queen of the sun rise." He says cutting himself off and then snickering at his own joke and I simply smile and shake my head.

"Well, I just thought that maybe I could come and hang with Tristan for a little while?" I say in more of a question.

"Yeah, of course you can." Cameron says coming from the kitchen and into the hallway to come stand behind Kilorn and wraps a smooth brown arm around his waist.

"He probably isn't going to do anything today but sit around on his phone and lay in his bed, so." She continues.

"Ok, well I'm guessing he's probably in his room then?" I ask her.


Then they both move to the side together for me to push past them. I walk into the kitchen and swing around the banister with one arm and try and fail to take the steps two at a time. I get to the top step and make my way towards the end of the hall, where Tristans room is.

I knock on the door twice then three times, and when he doesn't answer I open the door and step inside.

I find him tangled up in his sheets, his blankets and pillows on the floor, his mouth wide open, and in nothing but his boxer briefs. Wow. What a show.

I walk up to the side of his bed, stepping over his shirt, pants, pillows and blankets. When I reach him I bend over and slap him on his toned and defined stomach. He doesn't budge so I do it again a little harder this time, and he stirs. Then I look around his messy room and spot a feather pillow.

I walk over to it and unzip it a little so that some of the feathers spill out. I grab one and zip it back up, then turn on my heel back towards Tristan.

I bend back over him and tickle his nose with the feather, and he slaps my hand, sits up so fast it startles me and sneezes. Then he curses to himself and looks over at me.

"What are you doing here?" He asks his voice scratchy with sleep. He looks so much like his dad in that instant.

"We are going to hang out today." I say simply then stoop down to pick up his shirt and throw it at his face.

"Get dressed."

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