Chapter 10 Raylynn

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I'm kind of nervous.I think to myself while dressing into my sparring suit in the changing room.

I've never sparred around these people before, and it's not that I doubt my fighting skills, it's because literally every single person here is going to be using their powers.

And then you've got me.

As powerless as ever. Sparring with kids tripled my size.

I must have a death wish.

And then, on top of everything, all of our parents are going to be here. Watching, judging us seeing how well he can hold our ground in a fight. Watching and judging me.

My hands start to shake as I'm trying to zip my suit, mom sees me struggling and replaces my hands at my back, with her own. She wanted to change with me so that we could talk before fighting.

"Don't worry about it, ok? You'll do fine. You are an amazing fighter, and you can hold yourself against those boys. Don't think you can't." She says trying to comfort me.
"Yes, mom, but what if I get distracted looking at everyone else that I forget about my opponent. What if I slip up and they take advantage of me? I'm not in the right mind right now." I ask her worrying.

"You'll do fine. I promise" she says leading me to the door and opening it.

"Now, let's go show those boys who they're messing with, my girl." Then she gently pushes me out and slaps me on the butt.

Ok, Ray. You've got this. Like momma said, show them what you can do.

Yeah, remember that you are most likely better than them.

Oh, who am I kidding.

These kids have friggin powers.

I walk along the edge of the room, and by the time I'm on the opposite end of the door, Ptolomus, Wren, Lewis and Alexander all walk in. A lot of others are already here as well, Evangeline and her crew. There's Rafe and his family. And I think Tristen and Coriane's families are gonna all show up together.

I do my stretches and warm ups, along with everyone else. But as I'm stretching I feel someone watching me I look up, only to find Alexander staring at me from across the room. His face is flushed silver and he's standing by the weight sets so he must have been bench pressing.

Not wanting to be rude, I give him a little smile and an awkward wave.

I see the flicker of a smirk, and amusement gleaming in his black eyes, but his face betrays nothing else.

Man he is good looking.


Don't. You. Ever. Think or say that. Ever. Again.

I evert my eyes, and continue stretching my arm over my head, then the door swings open.

Coriane spots me first and rushes over, Tristen not too far behind.

"Hi," She says stopping in front of me.

"Hey," I say back lamely.

Tristen offers me a wave and a smile.

"Hello." Says a deep voice with just a hint of puberty squeak left in it.

I look to the voice standing to the left of Coriane.

A boy. With black curling hair, same as Coriane, and bronze eyes. He's tall with a sharp jaw and pale skin.

The boy raises a hand in gesture of greeting and I take it, surprisingly, liking the way his calloused hand feels in mine.

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