Chapter 17 Nevam

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"Do you have everything?" Samantha asks from my hotel room doorway.

"Yes, let's go," I respond, bending down to grip the handles on both of my suitcases.

Since I first met Samantha yesterday, I had to get a hotel until I could move my stuff into Samantha's rooms, while she stays in Carmoden and Davidson's home, along with everyone else.

We walk in silence, side by side, to her car. Throughout the entire night, she would run her damned mouth to me all night. Even when I didn't seem interested, she still talked, she talked about everything from us living together, to how I was going to get the information I needed for the cause. But I know all of this shit already, and I don't need her telling me these things when I have been having it all shoved down my throat for years. And then, on top of that, she would stare at me... With interest. This woman was hired to be my mother, NOT my lover. It's ridiculous, really. She's gonna get us caught before our, or my, job even begins.

I open the car door for her and she sits in the driver's seat, while I take the passenger side.

"So, are you going train with everyone else tomorrow?" she asks breaking the much need silence. I need to think and she keeps interrupting me. "Well, if I do go, I'll have to unpack everything before I go to sleep and then tomorrow as well."

She nods her head in agreement, before opening her mouth to say, "I could help if you like, that way you get it done faster and won't be too exhausted to get up in the morning."

"That would be nice, thank you."

"It's not a problem, " she says flushing silver, she clears her throat, and before she speaks her face gets brighter. "I saw you were looking at that girl, earlier. What's her name, Aylynn?" she asks.

"Raylynn. Her name is Raylynn. We met yesterday night, at the ball. Why do you ask about her?"

"No reason, she just... Seems like a nice girl. Pretty." she speaks quietly as if telling a secret that no one else knows.

"Yeah, she is. Quite intriguing, if you ask me. I talked to her father, while you were talking to the Barrows? He said she's very skilled in martial arts, swords, guns. Those kind of things, good at everything combat... But he never mentioned her power. Kind of peculiar, because he would go on about all of his son's powers. Electrons, all of them, like they're parents. So my guess is that she is powerless."

"Hm, I've never heard them speak of her power, now that you mentioned it. Ah well, you wouldn't want to spend your time with some... Powerless freak would you? And then she's Red, so." she says rudely.

Instead of saying anything, I keep my mouth shut. I am not about to risk getting into a fight with my new "roommate", over something that was decided year's ago.

Not too long after, we pull up in the marveling driveway and park in front. As I step out, the chauffeur greets us with a smile, which I return putting up my carefully crafted mask of the nice kid. Samantha hardly glances at him, much less offering him a smile, as she drops her keys into the palm of his hand. One of the many servants comes to open the trunk of the car to grab my bags, and we walk to the front entrance, where a maid waits for us. She opens the doors swiftly and leads us around the various hallways and doors, and up a set of stairs.

We finally we get to our rooms and the maid bows and leaves us, quietly. Samantha pulls her set of keys out of her mind clutch and unlocks the door.

Inside, the walls are painted a creamy color, with little patterns in a deep blue. The countertops are black and grey granite, with grey painted cabinets. The island in the middle of the kitchen matches.

"Which is my room?" I ask.

The male servant nods his head, kindly asking me to follow him, and I do. I open the door for him, seeing that his hands were full, and when he steps he gently places my bags on the bed.

"Um, thank you," I say and all he does is nod his head once again.

The room is the same as the kitchen, with a queen-sized bed up against the wall. The duvet is a velvet, royal blue. The pillows matching it and the decor of the room. A grey desk sits in the corner with a lamp and a variety of pens pencils and paper. A matching dresser sits across the room, right next to what I assume is the bathroom. I walk up to it and open the door, switching on the lights, the space has an old-fashioned claw foot tub in white and the feet the same blue as the rest of the room, and a shower knob attached to the wall. There's a little board held to the side of the tub, holding multiple soaps and shampoos, all in different scents accustomed to the user's liking.

I nod my head, at least they've got taste.

The sink is matching like everything else and the frame on circular the mirror is a royal blue with flecks of grey.

I step out of the bathroom and walk up to my new bed for the time being, and pour out the contents of my bags on the bed, before quickly sorting through everything. I separate everything into their own pile. Pants and shorts, sleep t-shirts and shirts I can save in drawers without wrinkling, socks and under wear. I brought my box of gold and silver cuff links to where when we have balls and things like that. I set that a top of the dresser, along with seven bow ties and twelve ties. I decided I have to many ties and rolled them up and put them in the sock and underwear drawer, with they're own secluded spot.

I have different suits,  that I had brought here by the chauffeur two days ahead. But Gisa Barrow and I were in a deep discussion about clothes, and she offered to make me a custom suit. Maybe two, if she was feeling extra creative, and I agreed and told her what I would want to look like. She said it should be done in three days tops. Fast, compared to the many designers I have hired to make my suits, who take a week or longer just to finish one.

Samantha came in and helped a bit, and it's almost two thirty by the time we finish. We say goodnight and I close my door, grabbing what I need for a bath.

I prefer to soak, specifically after a long night on my feet. I found some oils while looking for a towel, and picked the best scented one for the bath. Smells of lemon and mint, I drop eight drops, precisely, into the steaming water below. It turns the water milky and it smells lovely.

I was in that tub for almost two hours.

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