Chapter 16 Raylynn

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Why did he have to sit right next to me? There were plenty of other seats available, and yet, he chose the beside me. He knows I'm still a little pissy about earlier, even though I was the one who started the fight, he was the one who made me angry. And he did it on purpose.

Reese sits closest to me, on my right, while big airhead sits on my left. With the rest of his family sat by him, all I can hear is Ptolomus and Evangeline, cackling like witches over a cauldron. They can both go to hell. I have no clue as to why they both hate me so much, and I couldn't care less. They're adults, but they act like they are children.

"So, what happened when you went to see Julien?" Alexander asks.

"Are you seriously trying to make conversation with me right now?"

"What has gotten into you? You're usually so calm and shy... And sweet." he asks looking a little taken aback.

"Well, maybe I've grown tired of being that way. By letting people think they can talk about me and treat me however they want, because I'm, "calm and shy and sweet"." I say angrily.

It's true, every day of my life has been the same. The people that were supposed to be my friends, were always walking all over me and making me feel bad about myself. So bad that it got to the point where I pushed myself into a shell, and just stayed there. And I was perfectly happy and content because I knew that if everybody else around me was happy, I was. And I've grown tired of it.

Alexander stares at me, waiting for me to look up into those black eyes, but I won't. He's trying to intimidate me, as usual. So, I continue to stare at my plate.

"So Raylynn, what's it like, living with four boys?" Coriane asks as she sits across from me.

I open my mouth to reply but quickly shut it back up. I look down the line of brothers and watch as they all stop stuffing their faces and look at me.

I turn back to Cori and say, "It's everything you'd think it'd be like."

She chuckles, as do Shade and Tristan.

"That's good, right?" Ash asks me with a lopsided grin.

"Sure, " I clear my throat.

"Well, at least they're good sparring practice." Shade adds to the conversation.

I smile over at him and he blushes, but he quickly covers it, by look down at his lap. That was cute.

I look around our table and spot that boy Nevam, he looks to be in a conversation with Mare and Cal. Weird, since before they seemed to have not wanted to talk to him at all. His mother, Samantha, is stunning. They have the same eyes, but Nevam's are a bit lighter. A while ago, I couldn't look away from those icy eyes, he's quite handsome.

He catches my stare when he twists, slightly, and looks directly at me. I quickly avert my eyes, feeling my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Alexander shifts beside me and I look up at him.

His black gaze flickers back and forth between Shade and Nevam, his face a stoic shield. But then, suddenly, he looks at me out of the corner of his eye, and he swallows and sucks his teeth. Alexander stares, stubbornly, at his plate. What did I just watch?


The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, I talked and ate the seven delicious courses that Carmoden and his staff put together. Alexander scarcely opened his mouth, unless it was to ask a question or to put food into it. Shade, Tristan, and Coriane talked my ear off, Coriane more than both. Reese babbled on about the most random things while the adults started to get out of their seats and spin each other around the room. Dad danced with me for a song or two, while Reese asked me so he could impress some girl with his moves. Instead of dancing with him, I declined rudely and laughed at him as he begged me to do it for him and his, maybe, future Mrs. Jesper. And my, maybe, future sister-in-law.

Nevam caught me starring at him, noticing before I did. And every time,  I would glimpse Alexander, from where he and his family were sat, looking and watching with that same expression from earlier, plastered to his features. Analyzing the scene with a set look on his face. Why he kept doing it? I couldn't answer that question if I tried. Mom got tipsy and spilled her drink on the floor, by accident. And when Ash snickered, dad forced him to clean it up, despite Carmoden and the servant's protests.

During the entire night, I felt burning gazes, melting holes into the back of my head. I didn't acknowledge the multiple pair of eyes on me, because I already knew who they belonged to. The Samos family, duh, who else has it out for me for some unknown reason. But what I don't quite understand is, how come we were all having a perfectly normal and decent conversation the other night at the ball. We were all being civilized with each other and communicating like normal human beings. Then, literally a day later, they all want my head on a damn platter and my blood as a dipping sauce.

They must be bipolar or something because their moods swing faster than a teenager high on hormones.

After Ash Ford cleaned up the wine mom spilled, dad said that we should call it a night and we would see everyone tomorrow. I hugged Tristan and Coriane good night, even Shade. I said good night to their families, who I sat with, with mine. I got to know them better and turns out I like them a lot more than I thought I was going to. Samantha and Nevam sat close by, as well, going back in forth from talking to the Barrows and Calores, they even talked to my parents. My dad giving them complete sentences, while my poor mother slurred her almost every word.

But overall, uneventful or not, it was a really good night and I enjoyed myself. It was good to see my parents having a good time without stressing themselves over every little thing. They deserve a night like this one, and the many more ahead of us.

I had gotten to my room and found a letter on my dresser, with navy blue candle wax sealing it shut.

The contents reading; "We're watching closely, don't forget that. If you don't have a clue who we are yet, your parents will no doubt have an idea. Your time is ticking away, faster than you think. And we will be coming to take back what was once ours, the very thing that your elders stoke from beneath our feet, so prepare yourself young one." - President of The New Order of Elites T.N.O.E.

Whatever that means.

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