Chapter 14 Nevam

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"Are you ready?"


"Are you sure?"


"Do you know why your here?"


"Remember what I taught you, and you won't get in trouble. Hide in plane site, blend in, fit in."


He fixes my collar and adjusts my tie and blazer. When he finishes he claps me on the back, turns on his heel and gets in the car.

Once he's in he rolls the window down.

"Good luck. Don't forget the bigger picture.... I love you, remember that." And then he drives away.

I close my eyes, take a deep breath in, and straighten myself out. Time to face what you've been training for all of your life.

I slowly turn in the direction of the farmhouse and start walking. He gave me directions and the address.

I have to walk through streets and neighborhoods before I reach my destination, when I do, I climb up the steps of the house and knock on the door.

I hear the click clack of heels on a wooden floor, and then the lock on the door turns. Standing there is a blonde woman, with piercing blue eyes. Much like mine.

Well, she is supposed to be my mother. He hired one of the woman named Samantha Blains in the Free Republic, that befriended Davidson, to act as my mother.

She wears a turquoise dress and black heels, her hair is tied up in an elaborate knot on top of her hair, and her makeup is dark.

"Ready?" I ask .

She walks down the hall over to the coat rack and grabs her matching purse. "Yup."

Then we're out the door and in her car zooming down the streets of Montfort.

The mountains are beautiful here, it's summer so there's no snow on the tips, but still beautiful.

Davison's home is ... large. I think to myself.

It looks more like castle than a house but, ok.

"Ok, so when we get in there you have to act normal. You can't draw any extra attention to yourself. And don't answer questions that strike to close to home. I would tell you more, but I'm sure he told you enough. I mean you've been doing this for nearly sixteen years so." Samantha says.

Yes, I think, yes I have. So if you don't mind I would like it if you would just keep it to yourself?

I open my door and walk around the car to open hers. I grab her hand, and when she gets out her dress lifts up, showing her upper thigh and she blushes.

"Sorry." She says and drops my hand.

Ok, that's was strange.

I hook my arm with hers and guide us to the bottom of the steps.

We walk through hall after hall, it's like a damn maze. But I guess she knows where she's going.

We stop at the end of a hall in front of huge wooden doors. The guard on the right nods his head in greeting, and together both guards push the doors open, it glides on smooth hinges. Behind them is hundreds of people. Do they do this every night?

We descend the stairs, and head into the crowd, people stop us to talk to Samantha and she introduces me. She turns and spots someone in the flow of people.

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