Chapter 9 Lewis

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Ohhhhh, I cannot believe he would do something like that! He's so selfish and hungry for attention, it's sickening.

He jumps at every opportunity to ruin my reputation, ruin my stance with father, ruin everything.

Sometimes I wish we could just go to war and I could oh, I donno, kill him when no ones looking?

No. I mustn't think that way, blood is blood. No matter how infuriating and annoying they are, we're still family. Like father always says, as long as we stick together as one, there will be strength and power.

Anyway, I've got a lot of sleep to get. We have sparring in the morning from 6:00 all the way to 12:40. I don't understand why we have to go for so long, I mean, it's not like we all haven't been doing this all of our lives. We spar almost every week and when we're not sparring, we're probably working out or something like that.

I, of course, make sure that my body is always at its best. I work out nearly everyday, I eat healthy and drink protein shakes, I hardly ever consume any carbs, and I sleep like I'm supposed to and drink lots of water and eat lots of vegetables, in order to keep my skin clean and clear. It's seems girly and feminine, but men like clear skin too, oh and I'm clean shaven so there's that too. I hate hair on my face and I'm only fifteen.

I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when they see how well I've gotten at controlling my abilities. I've been practicing a lot more than I ever have recently, training everyday and non stop, pushing myself to my limit.

Brother says that it's bad for me, mentally and physically, to strain myself past my limit all of the time. But what does he know? He never even uses his abilities, it's almost like he's ashamed of them. I, on the other hand, love to show off. I love the attention I get from it. It makes me feel prideful and powerful, feared. People look at magnetrons like there monsters, like there something out of a nightmare. Good, let them be scared, there all wimps and cowards.

That's not how our father taught us, and so now I'm going to show those who fear, exactly who there cowering from like a starved dog shivering in the cold.

That's just something that Alexander will never understand. Father wants us to be warriors, so that we can fight and win in the battles to come. In the wars that await for us all in our future, because they will come, and they are arriving soon. It'll be at our door steps before we even know it.

And when that happens, I'll be prepared to fight, to kill, to do anything and everything in order to keep my country and family safe. But it will hit everyone else like nothing before and us Samos's will stand by and watch, they can all burn, for all I care.

They should have listened to us before.

Iris Cygnet, the rest of the old silver houses. I can feel it in my bones.

They're coming.


I awake by gentle shake, and turn only to find my mothers big eyes and soft smile.

"Good morning, Little Bird." She says bringing up the old nickname she gave me when I was born.

I've always hated it when other people said it, but when she says it, it makes me feel special, like she has something specific for me. But then I remember the nickname she has for Alexander, and then the sick feeling of jealousy cracks over me like a whip and all traces of the sweetness of the nickname vanish. Then a thought pops into my brain.

Sparring day.

"You have to be ready to get out of the door by 6:00. It's 5:09. So, hurry, ok?" She says stopping outside my bedroom door and then shuts it so that I can get ready.

I just throw on a black T-shirt and grey sweats, because I already know that when I get there I'll have to change into my suit designed for sparring.

I pull my silver hair back with my comb.

I need a haircut.

It's not so long to where I can tie it back, but long enough to get into my eyes. And we don't need that, if I'm going to be fighting, then my hair needs to out of my face.

I rummage through my desk drawer looking for my scissors, and when I find them I rush back to my mirror. I cut the tiniest piece, right at the end of my hair, pinching it between two fingers.


Now I can see.

I open my door and find my father and Alexander standing in the hall, that connects all of our bedrooms, having a conversation about something,

And guessing by the hard set of their jaws, it's serious. A wave of anger takes over me.

Why are they having important discussions without me?

"What are you two talking about?" I demand striding up to them.

"We're not talking, we're fighting. He's fussing me for something that doesn't concern you or your input." Alexander says.

I look up at him. He's always been taller than me, and I hate it, why did I have to be the shorter one?

"Look, I was just asking, ok? You don't have to get all... whiny about it."I say not in the mood to fight.

He looks at me, and I can tell he's trying not to roll his eyes, because his left eye flutters a little.

I ticked him off. One point, Lewis.

"Are you coming with us today?" I ask turning to face father.

"Yes, I am. And so is your mother, we're gonna need her." He says back.

I smirk and nod my head.

"Alright boys. Come get your breakfast, hurry!" Mom says from the banister.

We all take the stairs down, three at a time, and find our seats at the table.

It's a small breakfast, we don't want food sloshing around in our bellies while fighting.

We finish and then we all head to the car, and drive towards the sparring arena.

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