Chapter 11 Alexander

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That was. Unexpected. Raylynn has got moves.

And then the way she talked to Evangeline after her smart remark. Damn. I think I'm falling. And hard.

Her brother, Ash Ford, is sparring with Kaitlynn.

So while everyone is focusing on the fight, I make my way towards her before anyone else does.

She's grabbing her bottle of water and opening it, when she spots me. She drinks then turns to me.

She looks up at me, blinks, waits and when I don't say anything she turns back around, muttering an 'ok', and takes a few more sips of her water.

"What do you want Alexander?" She asks me.

"Oh, nothing much. I just want to know where you learned how to fight like that?" I ask her putting a hand on her shoulder and spinning her around.

"My parents. Happy?" She says simply.

What is wrong with her. She never acts this way. At least not when she's talking to me. She's usually sweet and shy. Now she's being... mean.

Strange. Best thing to do to figure out what is wrong with someone is to annoy them until you get the answers you want.


She lets out a sharp breath, and I have to turn my head to hide my smile.

"'So', what Alexander." She asks.

"I don't know." I say acting stupid.

"You are really annoying." She says.

Well at least I know that my plan is working. I continue.

"You don't have any powers, huh?"

She doesn't say anything.

"Do you?" She asks quietly.

"Excuse me?" I ask not expecting the question.

"Well, do you? I mean if you do, you never use them. Why is that? Are you ashamed of them? Do you... not like them?" She questions now she's looking at me.

I don't know how to answer to any of it. Which is quite odd, because out of me and Lewis I have always been the one better in politics. Or any kind of questioning. But these are throwing me off.

And I don't like it.

"Stop." I tell her.

"Why? Nervous?"

"No, just stop." I demand her my patience thinning.

"Just answer the damn questions, Alexander." She tells me her voice rising a pitch.

"I SAID STOP!" I roar taking a step closer to her.

What is happening to me I never loose my temper, no matter how angry I get.

I take another step trying to intimidate her, but she stands firm. I'm so close to her I can see the tiny flecks of green and gold in her aquamarine eyes.

We've never been this close, and I feel a kind of tightness in my chest. The tension is so strong between us it's exciting. I love it.

Then all to soon she grabs the back of my neck, and at first I think she's gonna kiss me, but then she pulls a knee into my gut. All of the air in my lungs comes spilling out in a rush.

I take a step back wheezing. I notice a few people looking in our direction, probably anticipating a fight, well they're not gonna get one. I'm not going to fight her.

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