Chapter 13 Julien

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War, famine, racism and diseases were quit common in the old world. At one point, in the 2000's of the world, there was always something that someone was fighting about. Weather it was because of the color of your skin, or the slant in your eyes, even the way you talk. Someone always had something to say about another person, some kind of comment that wasn't necessary. I write down.

Sara is sitting on one of the sofas in our rooms, currently reading one of my latest books. It's about another mutation in the blood of reds and silvers. Just a theory, but one that needs to be written, just in case.

I turn to her from my desk chair and ask, "Well? What do you think?"

She doesn't answer right away.

"It's ... interesting. What would you do to prove this?" She asks.

"It's just a thought. I wonder if it could be possible." I say.

"Never know, it might."

Then three sharp knocks sound at the door. I look at Sara and find that she's already looking at me. I walk to the door and as soon as I unlock it, it flings open before I can twist the knob.

The door opens to reveal several familiar eyes and some unfamiliar.

"Umm, ... can I help you? Cal?" I ask looking from one face to the next until I stop on my nephew.

"We're, uh, having a problem." Mare says simply.

I nod my head.

"Clearly. And what may this be?"

They all turn in unison towards the back of the small cluster and point and look directly at a tiny girl with light brown curls, who looks a lot like Ella. She steps forward and looks at me with a tight lipped smile.

"Who's this?" I ask suddenly curious to know why they brought this girl to me.

"Raylynn Jesper." She says lifting her chin and raising her hand for me to shake.

I take it and give it a firm jerk.

"What seems to be the problem?" I ask and notice that Sara has come to stand behind me.

They explain everything that happened in the arena, and how they think that it's possible that Raylynn may possess multiple abilities.

When they finish, I turn to Sara, lifting a brow, and point at the book. She seems to understand what I'm getting at, because she nods.

"What? What was that about?" Cal asks.

"I recently wrote a book on this theory I had, about blood mutation. But a different kind. What if the mutation starts to form in both red and silver blood? What if it somehow causes them to be more powerful and stronger in some way? Or say, two silvers were to have a child together, and the father was a storm and the mother was a healer, the fathers power will most likely be passed down to the child. So there is bloodline after bloodline of the same powers, but what I'm saying is, what if somehow a mutation found its way in?" I explain?

"But I never would have thought it actually would happen. Maybe Raylynn is just the beginning?" I ask.

Nobody says anything after that question.

"Titan, Ella? Do you mind if I use her, for a little while, tomorrow?" I ask.

"For what?" Ella asks me back.

"I want to see if I can run any test that'll prove that maybe she does have multiple abilities, by finding some kind of new mutation in her blood." I explain.

"Umm, I guess. If it's alright with Ray." Titan says looking to Raylynn for approval.

She hesitates before saying. "Sure, as long as it means I can find out whatever the hell is wrong with me."

"There's nothing wrong with you, your just different. Same as every other newblood." Mare tells her.

She sighs and nods her head.

"Well, Julien. Sara. It was good seeing you. Thank you for offering your help. It means a lot." Titan says offering a long hand.

"Anytime," I say then turn Raylynn. "And we should meet after lunch tomorrow?"

She nods and shakes my hand again and then Sara. I catch Cal, Mare, and the kids in embraces and then all to soon there all goes. Once they are all out the door, I look at Sara with a smile.

"I was right!" Then I lean down and give her a hard kiss.

She chuckles and raises her hands to my chest.

"Well, we should be getting ready for tonight. Don't want to be late." And she nods.

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