Chapter 5 Raylynn

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After the applause died down, the rush of voices came back like a whip. And even though we're not standing in front of anyone anymore, I can still feel the eyes of hundreds on my back as we drift into the flow of the crowd. And it's not a very soothing feeling.

"Hi!" Says a soft but high pitch voice from behind and the sound almost makes me jump out of my skin

I turn around to face the suddenly direct voice, with a gasp, and find a girl. Who is, surprisingly only about two inches taller than me. I'm really short. The girl has long, curling, black hair that pops against her pail skin, and bright amber eyes that almost seem glowing. She's wearing a dazzling dress in a deep blue, with a flowing skirt.

"Hello." I say back

"I love your dress. Designer?" She asks looking me up and down.

"Umm, yeah it is, and thanks. I like yours too." I complement shyly

"Aww, thanks. Anyway, I'm Coriane Calore, but everyone just calls me Cori." She explains

"You're Mare and Cal Calore's daughter?" I ask her

"Yep, oh and this is Tristen, Kilorn Warren's son?" She says moving a little to the side and gesturing to someone behind her.

The boy is tall and lanky, with beautiful green eyes almost the exact shade of emerald. He has of head full of curls that fall into his light skinned face, but is buzzed into a light fade all around. Pretty good looking, to say the least. And he towers over me, in a deep grey suit, with his hands tucked into his pockets and a lazy grin playing at his lips.

"Sup," he says simply and puts a hand out in front of me.

"Hi, I'm Raylynn, Titan and Ella's daughter." I say taking his hand and shaking it politely.

"Oh, the electrons, cool." Coriane says with a smile.

"Yeah, I-" But I never finishes when someone comes from behind me and starts talking, while resting a heavy hand on my shoulder.

"Hi, there. I'm Ash Ford, her brother." He says and throws his hand out for them to shake.

Tristen takes it first, then Coriane does, just as the rest of them pile in. So now me, the twins, Ash Ford and Ace,  Reese and Landon are all standing in a group.

"Yeah, we saw you guys standing at the steps when Carmoden introduced you in front of everyone." Coriane says.

"And you are?" Ash asks stepping forward to grab Coriane's hand and lift it to his lips.

"Coriane, and you?" She says slowly sliding her hand from his while grimacing.

I try not to laugh by turning my head a bit to the side, and catch site of Tristen doing the same.

"I'm Ace, and this is my twin brother Ash Ford." He tells her.

Ash lifts his hand in greeting and she smiles.

"And I'm Reese and this is Landon." Reese finishes for Ace.

Coriane and Tristen introduce themselves to the boys while I stand aside listening, but out of the corner of my eye, I see a familiar head of silver hair. Oh no. He's here.


Man, if I had Saints to call on, I would. I can't stand this guy. So in order, to avoid him, I try to hide myself within the little group we made.

"What are you doing?" Reese asks me as I huddle under his arm.

"Hiding," I reply.

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