Chapter 6 Shade

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Why is that every freaking time that I'm in a room with this punk, something bad happens? He acts like he's so much better than everyone else, and it's really annoying. Just like his dad and aunt and his dad's whole side of the family, he's a fucking snob.

This guy thinks that he can just waltz in here and not only insult me, my friends, and family name, but then the jackass has the balls to sit there and talk about my little sister like an object, like she's not even a human being, but just something pretty to look at and touch. Well, if he thinks that he can say all this and get away with it, then he's sadly mistaken. I've held my tongue for far too long, and now he's drawn the line.

I stand up from my chair so fast that it falls to the ground with a loud clatter. I spin around to face the loser, grab him by his collar, and pin him to the wall. I look into Lewis's black eyes and see a silver blush creep onto his cheeks in hives. He's embarrassed.


"What the hell is your problem!?" He sneers into my face.

"Who do you think you are? Coming in here and acting like you own the damn place?" I question pulling back a little only to ram his back into the wall again.

"What is going on here!?" Ptolomus bellows standing from his seat as well.

I only just noticed that he was sitting across from Lewis. His mother at his side and the rest of his family, except for his brother, Alexander who I haven't seen all night. And of course, like always, his lackeys are never too far behind. They're all standing in a group to the far left of the table.

I drop Lewis and let him fall to his feet and turn on my heel to face Ptolomus, and stride forward, pointing a finger in his face.

"I suggest you tell your son to keep his mouth rid of my family's name, and keep it, permanently, shut. Or I will do it for you." I yell.

"Is that a threat boy?" He rears back almost appalled by the very thought.

"I guess so, cause it sure looks like it." I whisper hotly.

"CALORE! Control your... spawn, or will we have to put him in his place?" Evangeline says finding her voice and standing while looking me over with disgust.

"Excuse me?" Mom says coming up behind me. "What did you just say?"

There's an electric charge in the air, and I know I'm not the only one who feels it because I notice the way dads muscles coil, and the way moms hand clenches and unclenches.

"Hey, Barrow, don't get all upset for no reason. Your son is the one who started this mess." Evangeline says.

"Yeah? Well maybe he wouldn't have done anything, if Ptolomus's kid would have kept his damn mouth shut!" Mom says back starting to yell.

"Hey, how about we calm down, ok? There are hundreds of guests in this room. And I have a ten year old in the room, who doesn't need to be hearing or seeing this." A man with a head of white hair says stepping forward.

"Stay out of this red." Lewis says.

"Hey, watch your mouth!" Says aunt Farley.

"Or what Farley? You gonna get all trigger happy on him?" Evangeline sneers.

"As a matter a fact, I might just do that, silver." She barks back.

"You pull a gun on my son and I'll kill you." Ptolomus steps towards her.

"Not that you would mind. You know, just another dead red to add to your list." Farley says getting his face.

As soon as the words are out of her mouth a hush falls over the room. Immediately, everyone knows who she's talking about.

"Now, why would you say that? How many times do you have to bring that up?" Evangeline asks.

"Wow, you sure can hold a grudge, can't you?" Ptolomus whispers

Then out of nowhere, Clara jumps in front of her mother. Using the powers she inherited from her father. Now she's in Ptolomus's face.

"What do you expect, huh? You killed her boyfriend, their," she turns to point a finger at all of the Barrows "son and brother.... My father. Who, by the way, I never got to meet and he never even knew he had a kid, much less, a daughter. You took so many opportunities, so many chances, so much happiness away... and all with a single thought, from your all vanished. It all vanished the second you sent a needle through his heart. So, yeah, she can keep a grudge. And so can I." Clara says.

It's silent for a few seconds and then all of a sudden someone "pfft"'s.

"Serves you all right, Shade Barrow was a coward, well at least he was in the stories I've heard about. If anything he probably deserved to die." Lewis snorts.

And he's about to continue. But he doesn't get very far, before Clara jumps and has him in a choke hold before anyone else has a chance to get to him.

The Samos family steps forward, but then Tristen and Cameron step forward, using their silencing abilities on them.

Ptolomus falls to the ground in a groaning heap.

I rush forward and punch Lewis in the face while Clara holds him still for me.

"You just don't know when to quit, do you? You ever say something like that ever again, and I'll rip your throat out. Do you understand? But before I do that, I'll let all of the Barrows and everyone who cared about my uncle have a bit of you first, yeah?" I then punch him one more time, just for good measures

Then Clara let's him go, and he falls to the ground like his father, gasping for air.

"Dad?" I hear a small voice call from behind me.

I turn and see a girl in a red dress that does everything to flatter her figure. Her light chestnut brown hair is piled up on top of her head in a magnificent braided bun and her almost aquamarine colored eyes stand out so brilliantly. She's ... beautiful.

I've been so caught up in staring at her that I hardly notice when she starts to speak, and I jump with a start, "What the hell is going on?"

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