Chapter 15

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I woke up with Mandy's arms around me. Last night was incredible, the best sex I've ever had. I felt a kiss press against my shoulder, "Good morning Princess." "Good morning," I replied with a happy sigh. She allowed me to roll to face her. She rested her hand on my hip. Before either of us said anything, we heard a fight break out in the main room. "They could wake the dead," she said and I nodded. We dressed and left the room. We saw it was chaos as usual. "Isn't it a little early," I asked Mandy and she nodded. "It's not even noon yet so they're not drunkenly fighting." Since we were too busy looking at each other as we talked we didn't see a blast of magic had been bounced off someone's shield and slammed right into Mandy and I, causing us to fly back and hit the wall. I got up with a soft groan. I noticed all fighting had stopped, everyone was frozen, staring at us in wide eyed fear.

"Are you okay Lilly," Mandy asked as I pushed myself up. "What a way to start the day," I said. "I'm fine and you?" She didn't answer as she turned an icy glare towards the group of brawlers as she got to her feet. "The reason you're all fighting this damn early better be for a damn good reason." As she spoke sparks danced around her fingers.

"They're fighting over this," Toya said while handing Mandy a job offer that was given to the guild. I looked at it over her shoulder. It was a want add for three judges for a bikini contest. They wanted members from our guild because we had won the cup. In small text though, they probably didn't notice, it was asking for members who had actually participated. "This is where selective reading gets you idiots in trouble," Mandy said. "It wants those who were in the games to be judges." Disappointment went all the way around and we rolled our eyes.

"They're also wanting women from our guild to join the contest," Blake said while holding up the advertisement. Mandy snorted, "I'm not doing it." "Yeah, we already know what you look like, gets old after a while," one of the others said and she zapped them. "Lilly could be able to win it," Toya said with a bump of her hip against mine. I felt my face warm, "I'm not taking part. I'm really not comfortable showing off that much of my body in front of people. Especially for their entertainment."

"Besides, her body is for my eyes only," Mandy said while wrapping an arm around my waist. I was also covered in hickies under my clothes thanks to her so I would look like a leopard in a bikini. Mandy was a biter and scratcher and I enjoyed it very much.

We sat down for breakfast. "What are you doing today," I asked her curiously. "Probably go to the Gambling Hut for a bit," she said. "Do you mind?" "Why are you asking me," I asked her. "Because you're my girlfriend," she said. "Yeah, but you're your own person with your own money," I told her. "I'm not your warden. If you want to gamble ok. If you drink and can't fly home, just call me." She smiled brightly and kissed me. Did others try to control her in past relationships? It was wrong.

"What are you going to do," she asked me. "Probably do some shopping," I answered with a shrug. "I need some new books to read and replace the shoes that got ruined in the caves during our mission." I had stepped in questionable things in the cave and I just tossed them after that. "Have fun," she said to me with a smile and I nodded.

After breakfast she and I left, going in different directions. I walked around the shops and I noticed many whispered and stared at me. I did my best to ignore it. I saw a very gothic looking store and ventured in out of curiosity. The guy behind the counter was covered in tattoos with his earlobes stretched. "You don't belong here," he said as he looked at my white sundress and ballet flats. "I'm here seeing if I can find anything for my girlfriend," I told him as I looked through the rack of piercings. I found a rainbow lip ring that was on clearance, probably because it was brightly colored so many weren't buying it. It wasn't Mandy's style, but I hoped I got to see her wear it just once. Even if it was just in private.

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