Chapter 7

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Mandy's POV

Blake, Magnus, and Nelson handled the obstacle course with ease, winning it easily. When it was time to start the one on one fights, I was bouncing with excitement when I saw my first match was against Rico. I was ready to send a lightning punch into that fucking smug face of his. I couldn't help but find it hilarious that the power Rico often bragged about being the only one to possess, just fucking lost that bragging right when he shook hands with Lilly. I can't wait to watch his ego crack when I tell him. I told Lilly of my plan when I was getting ready for my fight and she was okay with helping. In the arena Rico was all flashy with his magic, until my words stopped him short. "I wouldn't brag if I was you," I told him. "And why is that," he asked. "Because you're not the only one who can now use Space Magic," I told him. I used my thumb to point over my shoulder at Lilly. She waved innocently, as stars appeared around her then vanished. His face then fell. It was the sweetest victory I had ever had. His shock allowed me to send a lightning punch straight to his smug face and he flew back, unconscious. It was so beautiful. 

After that, almost all of us had one on one fights, except Lilly. The others were beginning to question why she was even here if it wasn't to show off her strength. She didn't have to prove shit, but if she was here to prove her strength to her father, you'd think she would be competing in the one on ones. I didn't question her motives though. Whatever she chose, I was gonna support her, just like she was supporting us. 

Today was day two, and she was no where to be found. "Did she fucking bail," Blake asked with a scoff. "Shut your fucking mouth," I snapped at him. "She probably over slept. It's just the Diamond Class event right now," Toya said with a shrug. "I did the same shit last year," Beck said with a shrug. "I tried to do that today, but Master Marous was adamant we get our asses to the arena," Nelson muttered. "He's not playing favorites is he?" Magnus scoffed, "Master doesn't play favorites." 

Soon the king was appearing, "Welcome to day two. As you know today is day two of the events. Let's get started with the Diamond Class event." Magic shields then appeared around the arena, which has never happened before. Does Maski Ley actually have some competition this year? We were all shocked then when Lilly walked out on to the field wearing a black leather skirt, black tights, and a cropped black halter style top with the guild mark on her front. Her black diamond on her forehead, proudly marking her a member of the Diamond Class. "I did not see that coming," Beck said, dumbfounded. 

Maski the approached, wearing khaki cargo pants, a white muscle shirt with the Blessed Enchantment's guild mark on the front, and his dark hair in a crew cut. "Finally, some fun," Maski said with a smile that gave me a nervous feeling. None of us have ever seen Maski in action because he's never had competition before. Suddenly the ground began to shake as his hands began to glow. Earth Golems began to come to life. Golems were nearly impossible to beat since they couldn't be killed. You break it up, it's just gonna reform. Lilly had water golems of her own appearing. The water golems turned the Earth golems into mud, making them sluggish. Maski ran at Lilly but she teleported out of the way. She then appeared behind him, and grabbed him by the shoulders. She then teleported out of the way when an Earth Golem went to strike her. She landed far enough behind her water golems. She then made Earth golem's of her own appear. Maski made the ground shake once more, this time severe enough to cause the ground to break up. Earth spikes began to sprout, aiming for Lilly. 

I sat on the edge of my seat as I watched her counter every single one of his spells. "She may have a chance," Toya whispered. She spoke too soon as one of Maski's golems sent her flying into the arena wall. She was bleeding in a couple of places because of the impact. We then watched as she easily healed herself. "What magic allows you to do so many spells," Maski asked as he shot spikes of Earth at her. "Copy cat magic," she said before disappearing. She then appeared behind him, slamming her fist into him, sending him flying into one of his golems. Once he was on the ground, vines secured him in place. Black lightning the shocked him bad enough to knock him unconscious. His golems collapsed into rubble since he was no longer able to control them. 

Once it was declared she was the winner I jumped on top of my seat, "Way to go Lilly!" Crooked Sin cheered loudly, while Blessed Enchantment booed her. She smiled sweetly and made her way to the exit while some medics came to escort Maski away. She came up to us and I threw my arms around her, "You were so fucking bad ass." She laughed softly, "Thanks."  I pulled away from her, holding her out at arm's length. "Camie would be so proud of you." I only said it loud enough for her to hear. "Thank you Mandy," she whispered. 

"We really underestimated you girly," Blake said. "Sorry about that." Toy smirked, "I guess that means you three aren't our strongest members anymore." "About time someone knocked the three of you from your damn throne," Beck joked. The three of them rolled their eyes but made no comments. Now it was time for the rest of us to put on as good as a show as Lilly did. Time to kick some major ass. 

After Crooked Sin won the one on one's Blake having been the official winner, we began to make our way to the guild hall. Until Roser Straun approached us. "What do you want," Lilly asked him coldly. "How could you," he snapped at her. I tensed, but didn't say anything. "Do what? Embarrass you? I could do that very easily," Lilly said with a smirk. "How does it feel to know that your bastard child is stronger than you?" He glared at her. He then smirked, "I wonder how Camie's parents feel seeing the woman they hate so much is so much stronger now? Too bad you weren't strong enough to save her." I didn't think, I just struck. I slammed my fist into his face. No one hurts my guild mates and gets away with it. 

"Mandy!" Master Marous snapped as he approached. "What? The games are over for the day," I snapped back. "Can't get a penalty." "We don't need you causing a war with Blessed Enchantments," Master Marous snapped. "I refuse to let him to say the shit he was to Lilly. She's been through enough," I told him. I turned back to the man who had blood gushing from his nose. "You even think about Camie or approach Lilly again, I will fry you to the point no one will recognize your body." 

He glared but his guild members pulled him away. I turned to Lilly and she hugged me tightly. I returned her hug. She then pulled away from me, "You didn't have to do that." I nodded, "Yeah I did." I knew how much Camie meant to her, and I refused to let someone use Lilly's pain against her. 

That night I was sitting in my room when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Magnus, Nelson, and Blake on the other side. "What the hell was that earlier today with Roser," Nelson asked me. "Roser is Lilly's dad," I told them. "As you can tell, they don't have the best of relationships." "But who was Camie, and why did that make you hit him," Blake asked next. "Camie was someone really special to Lilly," I told them. "I'm not gonna go into details cause it's not my story, but let's just say Roser knew exactly how to hurt Lilly, so I stepped in." Lilly wasn't weak, she made that abundantly clear today, but just because she was strong doesn't mean I can't still defend her. She was a member of our guild. You mess with one of us, you mess with us all.

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