Chapter 4

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The whole guild was tense, as we waited for an attack. I was reading a book in the library when Mandy came in. She said something but I couldn't hear her due to the music blaring in my ears. I took my ear buds out. "What's up," I asked her. "Never mind," she said with a groan as she plopped down beside me in a slouched position. She propped one of her platform shoes on the coffee table in front of us. She took one of my ear buds and put it in her ear closest to me. I didn't say anything as I put my other one in my ear once more.

"I didn't know you liked Matching Gravestones," she said sounding shocked. "I've been to a couple of their concerts. I got Monica to sign my breasts the last time I went," I said to her, my cheeks feeling slightly warm at the confession. "No way," she said, sounding intrigued. I showed her the selfie I had taken with Monica, the drummer, from Matching Gravestones. On my right breast, was Monica's autograph. I was wearing a cropped Matching Gravestones top with a low and daring neckline. I had a more gothic look to me with my dark make up and clothes. Mandy whistled, "You're really hot. Is that a tattoo?" She pointed at the one speaking above my jeans on my hip. "Yeah," I said with a nod.

"Can I see it," she asked me. My cheeks became even warmer, as I put my bookmark in its place. I stood in front of her and raised my shirt. She then surprised me by pulling enough of my pants down to see the full tattoo. It was a pink rose with black beginning to take over the petals. It started by my hip and went a few inches beneath my pants.

"That's a very daring place for a tattoo," she said her fingers letting go of my pants. "I'm not all pink and innocence," I told her, while fixing my clothes. I sat back down and put my ear bud back in. She took my phone and went through my music playlists while I opened my book up.

After a few minutes I saw she was looking through my gallery. I had nothing embarrassing, mostly pictures of magical beasts that I saw while on my journey. My eyes went back to my book and I realized I had lost my place.

"Who's this," Mandy asked curiously. I looked at the photo and I felt my heart clench at the photo. "That's Camie," I told her. "She was my girlfriend. She was killed four years ago." "Killed," Mandy asked in whispered shock. I nodded, "She was riding her broom home from work while talking to me on the phone. Someone purposely shot her out of the sky. I could hear her crash and cry out in pain. I then heard her try to fight against someone but she wasn't strong enough. After she was killed, I had looked long and hard to find someone who had a special tracking magic that I would be able to copy so I could do more than just listen if someone else I care about is in danger."

"Did they catch the guy that did it," she asked me. I nodded, "Yeah they caught him. Even though they caught him, her parents still blame me for not trying to help her. I came from a strong line of A Class magic users while they were E Class. They claimed that I had so much power and it was selfish of me to not save their daughter." My eyes burned as the memories hit. "I didn't mean to make you cry," Mandy said while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "It's fine," I told her. "Part of me will always love Camie because she had been more than my girlfriend. She had been my best friend. Before you get the wrong idea, no I'm not some heart broken puppy who is too scared to get into a relationship again. I had been in another one two years ago. That ended horribly. On their part at least."

"Let me guess, made an ass out of themselves," she asked with a smirk. "That is a very mild way of putting it, but yes," I said with a soft smile and a nod. "After I broke up with Misty, I've only done one night stands. Relationships are too much work," Mandy said as she began to scroll through the photos again. "It's not work if that person makes you happy and you enjoy being with them. Don't let toxic relationships cloud your judgement on that."

After that we fell into silence until a familiar piano melody began to play in my ears. I looked over and saw a video of me playing. I hadn't played since before Camie died. "You play so beautifully," she whispered. "I haven't been able to bring myself to play since before she passed away. The last time was on her birthday," I shared with her. "When you feel like playing again, let me know. I know the perfect place you can play," Mandy said with a soft smile.

I returned her smile, "I'll keep that in mind." She then went back to looking through my gallery until her phone began to ring. She sighed and took out the ear bud. She answered it.

"What's up," she said when she answered. "Are you serious?" She then hung up and stood abruptly. "We've got unwanted company at the front door."

We rushed out of the library and met the rest of the guild in the main hall. Larcade stood before the guild with his own. Master Marous stood in front of Larcade with his arms crossed, "You made a mistake coming here." Larcade smiled, "It is no mistake Marous. I don't make mistakes." He smiled in a way that showed his sharpened teeth. "We took you down before, we'll do it again," Marous told him. I noticed many in the guild hall were charging their magic up. So was Larcade's guild. Things were going to get ugly really quickly. 

Larcade's eyes ran over the guild, "Such strong members you have Marous. It'd be dreadful if they all perished as we drained away their magic." "You leave my guild alone," Marous warned him. "Or you will find yourself in a grave instead of a prison cell." Larcade laughed coldly, "You seriously would risk being arrested for murder to protect these precious sources of magic power?" 

"They're my family," Marous said to him. Larcade rolled his eyes, "Still spouting your predecessor's nonsense I see. When will you wake up Marous? It's all a lie. They'll turn on you once you become obsolete." Marous then gave him a cold smirk, "You don't know Crooked Sin very well then." 

Marous then unleashed his power and Larcade and his guild vanished, before reappearing on top of the bar. "I forgot to introduce you to my newest member," Larcade said while gesturing to a woman with vibrant purple hair and lime green piercings in her eyebrows. She had her hair in pigtails and wore a black lace corset and leather pants. "Lista here is a Shadow Transporter," Larcade said with a devious smile. Shadow Transporters were tricky to go against, unless you knew how to track them.  Suddenly Larcade and his guild were attacking us. When the Shadow Transporter disappeared, I did too. I tracked her quickly as she headed straight for Master Marous who was fighting with Larcade. I cut her off, appearing right as she was about to strike. I used the strength magic skill I copied a year ago, to send her flying through the front doors of the guild hall. She stood with a glare, blood dripping down her cheek. She disappeared and I did too. 

Mandy's POV

I was taking on a couple of Larcade's pests, while trying to keep an eye on the rest of the guild. Lilly kept taking on the Shadow Transporter head on, meeting her strike for strike. I couldn't help but notice, she wasn't even breaking a sweat while Lista was quickly running out of magic. I grabbed one of the pests by the face and used my lightning to knock them out. That Lista woman was then flying into Timber who had Misty cornered, the two of them slamming into the stone wall. Misty stood there in wide eyed shock, blood running down her neck from a shallow cut. Soon we had them all taken care of, with Larcade bound among them. 

"You shouldn't have under estimated us Larcade," Master Marous said. "Enjoy your prison cell." We waited for the authorities to take them away. Master Marous turned to Bill. "Do you have it in you to restore the hall?" 

Bill shook his head, "I'm spent." Most of us were. Even Master Marous looked a little fatigued. "I can do it," Lilly said while approaching them. Bill studied her for a second before holding out his hand. She gently touched his hand and then she began to use the ability to fix the main hall. Bill's restoration magic could be used for more than just fixing structures. He was the best healer we had as well. Suddenly the hall began to glow green and smell like lavender. A vine wrapped around my ankle, my wounds beginning to heal, the pain vanishing. Once everyone was healed the glow vanished. 

"Woah," Beck whispered. "Just how much magic does she have?" "She has to be an S class," another whispered. Master Marous gave her a nod and declared we celebrate our victory. I went over to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Come on Princess, let's get our drink on!" She gave me a bright smile, "Sounds like fun." 

The Crooked Sin Guild partied and drank till dawn the next day, and Lilly fit in within the craziness better than I thought she would. She may fit in with us after all. 

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