Chapter 8

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Master Marous' POV

I sat watching the screen where they were showing the relay race. The runners just got to their spots. I had signed Lilly up for the relay race with Magnus, Nelson, and Blake for a couple of reasons. The main one, was because of her copy cat magic, she had a whole arsenal of spells she could use to ensure our victory. The other reason was because she was the only member in my guild that I trusted to not fight with those three. Granted everyone in our guild fights with everyone, but when it matters most they put their differences aside. Lilly was different. She wanted the whole guild to like her, and didn't want to fight with them. Except Misty. It spoke volumes about Misty's personality if Lilly didn't like her. 

"Why is she acting friendly with her opponents," Misty asked with a scoff. "Because it's a game," Simon told her. "I have learned, Lilly is someone who is genuinely nice, but isn't naïve. She has great strength and abilities, but instead of acting like a raging bitch like someone we all know and loathe, she's a good soul." "Not everyone likes her, it's clear Roser Straun hates her," Misty pointed out. "What was up with that anyways? I know Mandy has a temper, but to strike Roser Straun?" "Roser Straun is Lilly's father," I said. "Well that's obvious given the last name," Misty said with an eye roll. "But I thought Edgar Straun was the strongest of the Straun children?" "Lilly trained for years in secret," I told her. "She hid it from everyone, wanting to announce her Diamond Class status in the best way possible." "By beating her father's guild," Simon said with a nod. "That was truly a remarkable fight between her and Maski." 

"Anyways, Roser and Lilly don't have the best of relationship, and he was trying to hurt Lilly verbally, so Mandy decided to step in," I said with a sigh. "I have a feeling Roser won't let it slide." "Of course not," Misty said with a scoff. "It's Roser Straun we're talking about." 

When the race started, we stopped talking and watched the screen. Magnus was the first runner. His opponents did their best to trip him up, but he used his mist magic to easily evade their attempts. When he gave the baton to Nelson, Nelson took off, using his gravity magic to make him light and speed through his portion. Next it was Blake's turn. Blake opened a portal and stepped through it. He then appeared beside Lilly. He handed her the baton. Just as he handed her the baton the ground under the two of them exploded, sending them back. One of Blessed Enchantment's runners was laughing, the source of the explosion. I watched as Lilly got up, blood flowing from her temple, keeping weight off her right leg. Blake laid unmoving. Lilly then snapped her fingers and the runners stopped in place instantly. She then took the time to heal Blake's injuries, worrying about herself last. Blake woke up as Magnus and Nelson ran up to them. They helped him stand as she began to heal herself. Magnus offered her a hand up. She smiled and waved the baton as she began to walk leisurely, taking her sweet time, to the finish line. 

"For someone so nice, she gives the best fuck yous I've ever seen," Simon commented with a soft chuckle. 

After she passed over the finish line she turned to the runners, and snapped her fingers, releasing everyone, but there was a catch. The Blessed Enchantment members had their shoe laces tied together so their next runner tripped and ate dirt, causing everyone to laugh while their guild seemed outraged. 

The entire situation was rather comical. We could be paying for it later though, depending Blessed Enchantment's reaction to the whole situation. However, they could have killed my two guild members with their fucking stunt, and I will be sure to give them my opinion on the situation. 

After the Magic Cup concluded for the day, the guild was hanging out in the main hall for the evening. Lilly was sitting at a table, Mandy sitting on it, her feet in the chair beside Lilly. The two talked and laughed. It has been a while since I have seen Mandy truly at ease around someone.

One of our elder members who had joined the guild when I did when we were children, came over to me. "She is making a change in the guild," Ginso said with a soft smile. I nodded in agreement, "She is. But behind that kind smile lies a hell no one would want unleashed upon them." Ginso chuckled, "Right you are."

Lilly's POV

"So tell me, how long have you been a Diamond Class," Mandy asked me curiously. "A year," I answered with a smile. "How long did you train," she asked next. "Two years," I told her. "That's a really short time span," she stated. "You must have really been pushing yourself." I gave a small smile, "I may have pushed myself more than what I should have." She then flicked me in the forehead, "Dumbass." I whined as I rubbed where she flicked me, "That hurt." "Don't do stupid shit," she told me. "Meanie," I muttered. 

Mandy rolled her eyes, "Don't be a baby. I didn't flick you that hard." "Did you just say you didn't fuck her that hard," Beck asked curiously, having misheard their conversation. "I said flick," Mandy told him. "Y'know like this?" She then flicked him in the forehead, this time adding in a slight spark from her magic, knocking him out of his chair. I jumped up and looked over the table at him as Mandy laughed. "Are you okay," I asked slightly worried. "I'm fine," he groaned, not looking okay. 

Mandy was laughing on the verge of tears. Beck got up and pushed her off the table. She was sprawled out on the floor. "That's what you get," Beck declared while laughing himself. Mandy then stood with a devious look in her eyes and I thought it best I get away from the two of them before I get caught in the crossfire. The two began to fight, but soon others were caught in their mess and then it just spread. I noticed Master Marous and some of the older members were floating in their chairs, watching the chaos below them while enjoying their drinks. I went over to the bar and sat on it. I grabbed the bowl of chips that was there and enjoyed them as I watched. I was gonna have to get used to this and not run from it. If it got too out of hand I'll put a stop to it. If I can, I thought as a table was thrown and shattered against the wall. 

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