Chapter 10

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Lilly's POV

Today was the final day of contests and we were all ready for it. Since we were in the lead with the number of wins, we were given the option to go first, but we decided to go last because they wanted to see what every else's scores first. How the gaging worked was each member went over to a crystal ball that projected a numerical number that symbolized how much magic they had. At the end of it, the final score was every team members magic number added together. The highest number was the winner.

Most A Class can range from five thousand to ten thousand. B Class was a thousand to four thousand nine hundred ninety nine. S Class is ten thousand to twenty thousand. Diamond Class has no top number that's been documented yet. There are A Class who can have the same score as an S Class if they're in the power level, but keep failing the test to S Class like Mandy.

The only thing that sucks about this, is that the crystal, drains us of our magic. We have to have those we call 'catchers' to catch us if we're too dizzy or even unconscious after having our magic sucked from us. Some walk away as if they're drunk, others have their noses bleed, some just collapse entirely. Those who are used to it, know what to expect, but I have never done anything like this before so I don't know how I will react.

We watched as each person, one by one went from each guild. Blessed Enchantment scored the highest so far since Maski alone gave them fifty thousand two hundred eight points. When it was our turn, our A Class team members went first. Mandy had a score of fifteen thousand. She had the levels of S Class, she just needed to pass the test.

Once the A Class went, Blake, Magnus, and Nelson went. After their three scores were added we were put above Blessed Enchantment by a thousand. Then it was my turn. I put my hands on either side of the crystal ball and it felt like a vacuum as it began to suck my magic power from me. It continued to eat it greedily. I heard the crowd gasp as it continued to shoot up. My head began to hurt as black crept in around my vision. The crystal ball then cracked, as it continued to absorb. A minute later it shattered and I swayed backwards, the world spinning. "I've got you," Simon said in my ear. He then scooped me up bridal style, my limbs feeling like lead. The whole crowd was silent as he carried me to where the rest of the team was resting.

"You really are amazing," Mandy said from where she was sitting, a tissue in her nose to try and stop her nose bleed. "The last number hit a million before it shattered," Blake said and I was too tired to express the shock I felt. I was put in the chair beside her and I leaned so my head rested on her shoulder. The world was spinning, and I was unable to even think of something to say.

Simon crouched low enough to look in my eyes. "She's out of it," he stated. "She may even fall unconscious." Master Marous came in and came over to me. He lifted a hand over me, reading my magic levels. "She still has some magic left. Well aren't you a special one Lilly Straun."

Darkness began to edge around my vision. He moved his hand away. Mandy shifted and guided my head down so I was now fully laying down, my head in her lap. She began running her fingers through my hair. Slowly the darkness crept in fully.

Mandy's POV

"How is it possible she has so much magic," I asked Master Marous. "People like her are rare, but not uncommon," Master Marous informed us. "Most tend to avoid guilds though, not wanting to draw attention to themselves and their magic levels." "Why," Blake asked. "Because in the past, they had been used as weapons in war," the King said as he came in. Master Marous nodded, "Indeed."

"However, that was before I took to the throne, and before we were at peace with our neighboring lands," the king added in. "Your enemies may see her as a threat though." He had a point. We had more than Larcade as an enemy. "Is it possible she didn't know her magic levels," Nelson asked Master Marous and the King. They both nodded. "It's more than possible she wasn't aware," Master Marous said. "But don't you gage someone's magic level once they enter a new class," I asked curiously. The King nodded, "Usually we do yes. However, Lilly's last reading was when she was still in A Class when she was still a kid. She dove into her training, and didn't stop till her diamond appeared. It is because of how things had once been in the past. The office she went too, to file her Diamond Class, still is using the old magic reader that doesn't give a number, it just states what class their magic levels belong too."

That made sense. Many of the registration offices in the smaller towns were still slightly behind the times when it came to their technology. The King has been pushing for upgrades everywhere since he took to the throne, but it takes time. After that, they left the room and we watched on the TV, the King gifting the Magic Cup Trophy to Master Marous. It'll surely be the celebration of the millennia at the guild hall.

We stayed there until Lilly woke up. "How do you feel," I asked her as she sat up. "Like my head is being beaten with a sledgehammer," she muttered. Nelson tossed her the bottle of painkillers he had on him while Beck handed her a water bottle. She downed a couple of the pills with the water before handing Nelson back his pill bottle. We gave her a few minutes to see if she could walk before we left.

As we were leaving there were reporters flocking the exit to the arena. She sighed before grabbing my arm. We were suddenly teleported back to the guild hall. She swayed a little and I steadied her. "Dumbass," I said as I made her sit. I knew Master said she still had magic left, I just didn't think it was enough for her to still do some spells with.

"I didn't want to deal with the press," she said, a soft smile on her lips. "Think you can make it to your room," I asked her. She took off her heels before standing. Even then, she still swayed. I wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her. Today I was wearing my combat boots, so I was nearly flat soled today, meaning I was close to my real height. With her next to me like this, I realized she's shorter than me by a few inches, but if she wore  her usual sky scraper taller heals, she's taller by an inch or two.

I helped her to her room and helped her sit down. I looked around her room and saw how girly it was, yet it wasn't as bright and in your face as I thought it would be. I saw some photos clipped to her lights she had hanging on the wall. They were of the wall, and a selfie of her showing off her guild mark with a proud smile. I looked back at her and saw she laid down and was already asleep. I put her heels on the shoe rack she had in the obvious empty spot. I then covered her with the blanket. I turned off the lights before closing the door on my way out. Feeling drained myself, I went to my room to get some rest as well.

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