Chapter 13

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I was in the common room of the guild hall when slender arms with finger nails painted black wrapped around my neck from behind. "What are you looking at," Mandy asked me. "Job offers from the Alliance," I answered. "They sent them this morning. They plan on sending a pair of veteran members to over see how well we work together, we just have to pick a job. The best part is that we get every coin. The veteran members are just going to watch over us, and won't step in unless it's needed." "That's good," she said. "What mission are you thinking about us doing?" "Investigating this mountain," I told her. "People keep disappearing, and the village believe it has to do with the mountain." "How would a mountain make people disappear," Mandy asked with a scoff. I shrugged, "I don't know. That's what we're going to find out." 

Misty then came over, looking disgusted, "Well don't you two look cozy." I rolled my eyes and went back to looking over the forms. "I need coffee before we go," Mandy said before walking away. "So how did last night go," Toya asked as she sat down beside me. I smiled softly, "It was wonderful." "So was I right," Toya asked with a smirk. "Right about what," Misty asked, but we ignored her. I nodded at Toya, "You were." "Toya was right about what," Mandy asked as she sat on the other side of me. "That last night was a date," Toya answered. "Oh," Mandy said before nodding. "Yeah it was a date. We wouldn't have gone to Lustar if it wasn't." Misty scoffed, "You never took me to Lustar." "You never deserved that kind of treatment," Mandy told her coldly. 

"So are you like a thing now," Toya asked, waiting for the answer expectantly. Mandy and I nodded. She squealed, "I'm so happy for you two." The three of us talked, ignoring any comments from Misty. I submitted the job we were going to do and received a message to expect the veterans in two hours. After Mandy finished her coffee, we went to get ready to leave. I was finishing up my bag when there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and saw Mandy. Her bag was on her shoulder. "You ready," she asked me. "Just about," I said before turning towards my stuff. I finished packing the bag and we went to the common room for the veteran members to arrive. 

The veteran members accompanying us were rather interesting. Peony Lancom was an S class magic user who used time magic. Chester Min was an S class clone magic user. What was interesting about them, was their matching outfits. Peony wore a vibrant and rainbow outfit with a rainbow witch hat. She wore white lace knee high stockings and black ankle boots. Chester wore a rainbow suite and black shoes. "Kill me now," Mandy whispered when we had first seen them. "It's so good to meet you newbies," Peony said, voice filled with pep. "Just end it now, quick and painless," Mandy said to me. 

"We're so excited to join you on this mission," Chester exclaimed, a bright smile on his face. "Come on Lilly, if you care about me at all, you'll end the torture," Mandy said. I rolled my eyes at her, "Think of the money we'll get." She sighed, "That makes it a little better I guess." I looked at the rainbow twins, "Let's get going shall we?" 

We walked in the woods. Well, Mandy and I walked. Chester and Peony floated on their brooms lazily. "Why didn't we just fly all the way instead of part way," Peony asked with a sigh. "To conserve magic," I told her. "But you have loads of it," Chester said. "Way more than the three of us combined." "We don't know what we're up against," I told them. "It's best to be safe than sorry." "Plus we don't know what's causing the people to disappear, it could be a group of people who could be scouting the skies for people flying on their brooms," Mandy threw in. "It's best we question the villagers before making our way to the mountain. It could give us an idea on what we might need to look for." 

I nodded in agreement. "That sounds boring," Peony said with a sigh. "Aren't the two of you supposed to simply look over how we do the mission and not step in unless needed," Mandy asked them, clearly annoyed. "Yep," Chester answered. "So zip it till you're needed," Mandy told them. "Why are you so mean," Peony asked Mandy. "Why are you still talking," Mandy asked her. 

I sighed softly, and took Mandy's hand, lacing my fingers with hers, "Ignore them. We need to think clearly and get this figured out." She sighed and nodded. We got to the village and began questioning the people. "On the night they went missing, is there anything that happens each time it happens," I asked the village elder. "A fog rolls in and puts most of us to sleep," he told us. "What color is the fog," I asked him. "Green with a strange glow," he replied. "It comes from the mountain." "And does someone go missing every time it happens," Mandy asked him. He nodded, "Every time. They're only taking those who are in their twenties though." "Have you tried to send anyone to the mountain to figure out what's going on," I asked him next. 

"We sent a rescue party to the mountain once, but everyone we sent received headaches and passed out. They claimed when they woke up, they were no where near the mountain," he shared with us. I nodded, "Thank you." We left the elder's home and walked around the village. "Any idea what the fog could be," Mandy asked me. "I have a few ideas, but we have to get to the mountain for me to confirm it," I answered. She nodded, "I think it's best we do it now since the sun is out." "You girls surely don't waste any time," Peony said as she and Chester followed after us, this time on foot since we were in the village. 

"People's lives could be in danger," Mandy told her. "So we can't waste any time at all." "There are most likely curse marks to give the headaches so we're going to take a preventative measure," I said to them. I used a spell on all four of us to protect from the marks. We then made our way towards the mountain. The air around it smelled too sweet to be flowers. 

I noticed a strange rot around the base where it met the ground. "This isn't good," Mandy whispered and I nodded. "Goblins," we said in unison. "Goblins are not something we've been approved to take on," Peony said seriously. "You were hired to investigate why people are going missing and you have," Chester stated. "You've got to be fucking kidding me," Mandy said while glaring at them. "There are people down there who want to know what happened to their missing people. We have to put a stop to it before it gets out of hand." 

"Goblins are out of our league," Chester said. Mandy shook her head, "You're a bunch of fucking cowards. Who knew that the Dragon Alliance had members who coward at the mention of some goblins." "They're taking young people, meaning they're not taking them to eat. They're using them for breeding," I told Peony and Chester. "Those people are most likely still alive. I'm not turning my back on them. You want to turn tail and run, then be my guest, but we're not going anywhere." 

"It's your funeral," Peony said and the two of them left. "Fucking pussies," Mandy spat. I nodded, "Let's get to work." 

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