Chapter 6

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Mandy's POV

I stood in the main hall, in my uniform. Only a small handful of the members were allowed to compete. Master Marous only signed up his strongest members. We were basically the full representation of Crooked Sin. The rest of Crooked Sin will be in their sectioned off area in the stands, wearing one of the different uniforms we had. The women had three choices and the men had three choices. I chose the black leather shorts and cropped black tank top with the guild mark in red on the front. I paired it with my leather jacket and combat boots. Around my neck was the yellow pass I had to wear that marked me as a competitor. "Do you think the newbie will be competing," Misty asked with an eyeroll. She wasn't competing thankfully. It'd be a shame if I had to knock her out before it was her turn to compete. Toya, who was competing shrugged, "I don't know." 

I didn't make any comment. Master Marous and I kept it secret from the guild that she was in the talent event. Many don't think the best of her already, and I didn't want to know what the comments were going to be if they learned. I will fry whoever speaks out against her. I was shocked when I saw her. She wore black leather pants, the halter cropped top with the guild's mark on the front, black stilettos that I would break my ankle in, and a black leather jacket. She wore her yellow pass around her neck. "You can't be serious," Misty said with disgust. "We're actually going to lose this year." "Shut up Misty," I said to her with a glare. "Master Marous allowed her to compete, meaning he sees her strength. Unlike you, who gets turned down every year." Misty glared at me but didn't say anything. 

Soon we were leaving the guild hall. Those who weren't competing were joining the crowds who were watching the parade of those who were competing. I nudged Lilly, "You're going to do great." It was whispered, and I didn't think she heard me over the loud cheers and music, but she small smile she gave me said otherwise. She nodded, "Not as good as you though." I scoffed playfully, "Come on Princess, no one can be as good as me." She laughed and rolled her eyes. 

There were a total of twelve guilds who were competing, including Crooked Sin. Each guild only allowed no more than ten to compete. Some guilds didn't have ten members strong enough to compete so they only had those who were worth signing up. We were always at the top. Our top competitor was Blessed Enchantments. Floating Light was also up there, usually holding strongly to the third spot. They were only third because of Blessed Enchantment always winning the Diamond Class event. If it wasn't for that, then they'd be second. I'd love to knock those cocky bastards Blessed Enchantment down even lower. Stupid Maski Ley for being a Diamond Class. Blessed Enchantment's guild master, Master Julie Min was also a Diamond Class, but guild masters weren't allowed to compete, thankfully. 

Once inside the coliseum our team stood among the other guild teams, sizing up the competition. I noticed Lilly had tensed and was glaring at the Blessed Enchantment's second in command, Roser Straun. The pieces clicked instantly. He had the coldest glare I had ever seen a parent possess. I nudged her, and she turned to look at me, that usual kindness, filling them once more. I offered her my closed fist, "We got this." She smiled and bumped her fist to mine, "Yeah we do." 

"So what event do you think is going to kick off the events this year," Beck asked curiously. "Who knows," Toya said. Every year the event orders change to keep things from being predictable. "I hope we get the team shit out of the way first," Magnus said with his arms crossed. "I want to hurry up and get to the one on one combat event." "Of course you do," one of Floating Light's team members said. "You Crooked Sin are such barbarians." It was Rico Melton. He was stuck up like the rest of his guild. Rico's eyes scanned over us judgingly. They then widened in surprise when he saw Lilly, "I see not all of you are riffraff." He presented his hand to Lilly and I had to hide my smirk. Lilly smiled as she shook his hand, "I'm Lilly." "Rico Melton," Rico said with a flirty smirk at her. "Tell me Lilly, how did a person such as yourself end up with a guild such as this?" "I wanted to be part of the best guild in the world," she told him. "Clearly this band of criminals has brainwashed you darling," he said as he let her hand go. "I don't think so," she said, her smile so sweet and innocent. 

Rico went to say something more but then the ruler of Hystoria, our kingdom, began to speak. "Welcome to the thirty ninth annual Magic Cup!" Everyone cheered happily for a few minutes before getting quiet once more. "Here is our schedule for the course of the Magic Cup." The first event was the obstacle course. Three of our team members would be competing in it. Which it's Blake, Nelson, and Magnus. No one works better together than the three of them. The next event was the first half of the one on one fights. Then we will retire for the day. The first event to kick off tomorrow was going to be the Diamond Class event to hurry up and get it out of the way, and then it will be the second half of the one on one fights. On the third day it will be the relay race which will be four of us. Again it'll be Magnus, Blake, Nelson, and one other. Last year it was me, but that was nearly a disaster due to me and Nelson nearly attacking each other. Most of us were just competing for the one on one fights to show how awesome we were so who knows who the fourth was going to be. Then the fourth day was the talent event which usually takes up the entire day. On the sixth day it was the tug of war event that involved all team members of each team. On the seventh day it was the magic gauging event. Blessed Enchantment almost always beats us because of their stupid Diamond Class, but thankfully they don't have any S Class magic users or it would put them over us. The last event was the easiest. We all touch the orb and it tells us how high our magic levels are. We then add up all of the levels for our final score. It was easy enough. 

Then the next day we will celebrate and pass out the rewards and prizes. 

Soon we went to our waiting room where we watched everything on a raised, and blocked off platform that looked out over the arena. Magnus, Blake, and Nelson stayed in the arena for their event. An obstacle course magically appeared and all of the competitors got ready. This Magic Cup was going to be one to remember, that's for sure. 

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