Chapter 16

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Lilly's POV

Today was the first day of the summer festival and everyone in the guild was going. A lot of the guys were going to watch the bikini contest. Misty and a few of the other women were taking part. The last thing I needed was to see Misty in a bikini. Bad enough I had to see her naked in the bathing room we women shared. 

Mandy had worn a cute black pleated skirt that had a chain on the left side, black fishnets, black combat boots, a black and red striped tank top, and the rainbow lip ring I bought her. She was really beautiful and I felt so lucky. I was a bright contrast compared to her in my blue jean skirt, white wedge sandals, light green tank top with a pink unicorn on the front. I wore my hair in a side braid with a ribbon laced through it. The ribbon was pink like the unicorn, and it was Mandy's idea. 

We walked with our fingers laced as she showed me around the massive summer festival. There were so many stalls with games, souvenirs, food, and so much more. Some little girls were then running up to us. I recognized them as some of the kids that lived in the orphanage not too far from where the festival was being held. They each had pictures from the paper from when we had held up the Magic cup in victory at the end of the games. "Can we have your autograph," one of the girls asked. She had one blue eye and one green eye. She was the result of species cross breeding. He mother was human, but her father was most likely Fae. No woman ever sleeps with the Fae willingly. They always were tricked into it. Most children that come from that, get left at orphanages due to the mother not wanting to walking reminder of what happened. That wasn't fair to the child though. It's not like they asked to be here. 

I smiled as I made a pen appear, "Of course sweetie." Mandy and I gave them our autographs. "One day, I want to be a strong magic user like you two," the second girl said. She had such curly hair that stuck about, and was the color of a carrot. She had beautiful emerald eyes though. 

"With practice, you'll be as strong as us in no time," Mandy said to them with a kind smile. They smiled brightly. I then noticed in some places, their clothes were in need of repair. I used my magic to fix their clothes to look almost brand new. Their eyes widened as did their smiles. "Thank you so much," they said in unison. 

"There you two are," a woman looking tired said as she came over to us. "Look Ms. Lory," one of them said while holding up the autograph photo. "Ms. Lilly and Ms. Mandy gave us their autographs." The other then bounced up and down, "And Ms. Lilly fixed our clothes." 

The woman gave us kind smiles, "Thank you very much." I smiled, "You're welcome." The woman then ushered the two girls away who gave us eager waves. 

"One day I hope to adopt a kid," Mandy confessed to me as we walked. "Give them a life I wanted from my parents but never got." I wrapped my arm around her waist, "You'll be an amazing mom." She smiled and kissed my cheek. "You would be too, you know." 

I smiled softly, "I never thought of kids." "Really," she asked me. "Not once," I told her. "Camie did all the time, but kids were something I wasn't sure about. Not because I didn't think I could be a mom or anything like that. I just never knew if I wanted them or not."  

"That's valid," Mandy said with a smile. "I'm happy either way."

I smiled softly before we went to play some of the games that were offered.

Once the sun went down, screams began to be heard from all around. An explosion from behind, threw Mandy and I to the ground. More explosions happened around us. We got to our feet. Enemies from the Kingdom overseas, was dropping magic bombs on us, magic soldiers starting to flood the streets. Crooked Sin members began defending and evacuating people. Mandy and I dove into the mess without hesitation.

Mandy's POV

It was complete and utter chaos. We had heard rumors of the Cavante Kingdom over seas wanting to attack us because they have a power hungry king who feels his magic is superior and wants to take over the world. He trampled a smaller kingdom five years ago, but hadn't made any moves after that. Guess he was just building up his army. He made the wrong choice in attacking us.

It was a bloody battle, citizens, the enforcement squad, and us guild members were fighting back. The enemy clearly wasn't expecting it everyone able to do something. Lilly though was a sight to be seen. We really got to see what a Diamond Class was capable of and it made the enemy fear her. Some ran screaming, declaring her a monster.

Until one of their own with a Diamond Class marking, began to go against her. She was at a disadvantage due to having used so much magic already. They took their fighting to the air on their brooms. I took a hit to the shoulder. I was stupid for not paying attention. I took my eyes from the sky and focused on the fight before me.

We got all of their men taken care of, but Lilly was still going strong. They were both injured, Lilly bleeding badly in a couple of spots. They gave each other a final blow, both knocking each other off their brooms. Panic set in. From the height she was falling, she'd die on impact. Suddenly air swirled beneath her, a mini tornado catching her. I looked and saw Misty. She was struggling to hold it, as she lowered her to the ground. Some of the guys caught her, allowing Misty to disperse her magic. She bent over, hands on her knees, as she panted.

I followed after them as they took Lilly to get some medical attention. I didn't realize how bad I was injured though until my legs gave out. It was black before I hit the ground, the last thing I saw was them carrying her away, blood dripping from her.

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