Chapter 3

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Mandy's POV

"So how was working with the newbie," Beck asked as he drank his coffee. I shrugged, "It was fine. I was expecting her to piss me off with her complaints about my crude language or whatever. She didn't even seem disgusted by it." "So why the hell did she join anyways," Toya asked me. I shrugged, "I'm not sure." It was a fucking lie. I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a gossiper. If she wants to share it with others then so be it, but I'm not gonna spread her shit about. That's not my style. 

"Did you learn anything about her," Jack asked as he sat down. "That she is fucking boring," I told them. "She doesn't see the appeal in gambling. Who the fuck doesn't like gambling?" Toya raised her hand, "I don't." "That's cause you got shit luck," I said with a soft laugh. Suddenly the front doors of the guild hall slammed open, Master Marous came striding through, looking pissed. "Larcade escaped prison and freed several of his dark guild members. They've been freed for a week now. I need a fucking head count." I felt straight fear at the mention of Larcade. Larcade and his dark guild, Poison Fang, were arrested for killing and draining the magic of the strongest magic users the world had ever seen. It was our guild that put them behind bars, and they vowed to get revenge. 

We all set about getting in touch with anyone we could. Lilly came in through the front door, wearing a sports bra, track pants, and running shoes. She had a towel across her shoulders, sweat sliding down between her breasts. "What's going on," she asked me concerned. "Larcade escaped prison and freed some of his guild buddies," I informed her. Her eyes widened, "Oh no." The whole world knew about them and their crimes. They also know what guild took them down. 

"We're doing a head count to ensure he hasn't started picking us off one by one. Be prepared, we may have a war ahead of us," I told her. She nodded, then went off to go shower as I continued to help getting in contact with those who were on jobs. Luckily everyone was accounted for were on their way back to Hidden Valley. Lilly had joined us in the main hall, wearing baby pink skinny jeans, black heels, and a white blouse. Most of us wore dark clothing so she stuck out like a rather bright beacon. She was talking with Master Marous quietly. He was probably filling her in on their guild's magic styles. Some of our members began to fill in the main hall, reminding me just how large our guild actually was. Many instantly noticed Lilly and were asking around about her. I understood their curiosity, she was a newbie that clearly didn't fit in. 

Misty sat down beside me once she returned, "Who's the new girl?" "That's Lilly," Toya answered. "She's rather innocent looking," Misty said as she looked her over. "She is," Jack said with a chuckle. "How long has she been with the guild," Misty asked next. "Two days," Toya answered. "Marous paired her with Mandy to go on jobs until she gets comfortable." 

Misty looked at me, and I saw a slight flare of jealousy. Misty and I had once been together, but then she couldn't keep her legs closed so I dumped her. I get along with her well enough to not cause a massive fight. She still has feelings though, but I burned those long ago. "What's she like," Misty asked me. I shrugged, "We focused on the job. Not flirted like a bunch of high schoolers." 

Soon our attention was pulled to the three men who walked into the main hall. They were Blake Piro, Magnus Hort, and Nelson Metso, three of the strongest users in the guild. They were all S Class and they faught as a well tuned unit. Blake's eyes scanned over the guild hall, as if he himself was doing a head count. Magnus looked bored as he looked about, until his eyes fell on Lilly, then they became filled with curiousity. Nelson was on the phone, not really paying attention to anyone. 

Lilly came over to the table. Misty stood and held her hand out, "I'm Misty." Lilly took her hand, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Lilly." "Tell me Lilly, why did you join Crooked Sin," Misty asked. "Because I felt like it," Lilly told her with a sweet smile. Misty didn't like her reply, but I sure as hell did. Lilly then let go of her hand to sit down in the chair on the other side of me. "So what were you and Master Marous talking about," Misty asked her curiously. Lilly shrugged, "Just to stay in the guild hall and what to expect if we are attacked." "So what are we to expect," Misty asked her. "For you to shut it and stop asking so many damn questions," I snapped at her with a glare. 

"I'm just making conversation Mandy, no need to be so mean," she said. I scoffed, "Conversation my ass." "Now ladies, save the cat fight for later," Blake said as he came over with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him, "Not going to be a cat fight." "More like a fucking massacre," Jack muttered and Misty scoffed. "As if. I'd beat her with a hand tied behind my back," Misty said. 

"Now I doubt that," Lilly said while looking at her. "Were you not watching during the games last year or did you miss the black lightning Mandy can use? Your wind magic would be useless." "What makes you say that," Misty said with a scoff, completely offended. "Black Lightning is the sharpest kind of lightning one can use. It can cut through almost anything, even the strongest of winds. Light moves a lot faster than wind. She'll have you fried before you can suck the air from her lungs," Lilly explained as if she was teaching a toddler the differences in magic. 

"And how would you know," Misty asked with a scoff. "Because I know you're level of skill," Lilly told her. Misty's eyes narrowed at Lilly, "How?" "I use copy cat magic," Lilly explained. "It allows me to gauge and copy another's magical ability when I touch someone. You're at A Class, and it'll take you years of training to get even scratch S Class." "Mandy isn't S Class. She's failed the S Class test a time or two," Misty shared even though Lilly already knew thanks to Simon. 

"She didn't fail for not lacking the power though. I'm sure next time around she'll get to S Class," Lilly said, and she actually sounded like she had confidence in me. "If you're such a fucking know it all, what class are you," Misty asked her. 

Lilly didn't get the chance to answer because Master Marous demanded our attention. "I'm glad to see you all made it home safely," he said, his voice carrying out over the main hall. "As you're all aware, Larcade is a threat once more. We have no visibility on his whereabouts for the time being, so I am requesting that until then, you all stay here unless it's an emergency. As we wait for Larcade, we'll work on training to ensure we're all ready for him when he comes." 

We all agreed and soon we were all lounging around the main hall. Except Lilly, she said she was gonna go to the library. Misty crossed her arms once Lilly left the room, "She didn't answer my question. What's her deal any ways?" "Don't be a jealous bitch," Toya told her. "We have enough shit to deal with. Don't add to it."  

"But why doesn't she want to hang out with the rest of us," Misty asked. "Just fucking drop it," I said with a scoff while standing. "Who'd fucking want to hang out with you anyways?" I left the main hall. 

My intention was to go to my room but my feet had a mind of their own and I found myself in the library. I found her laying on her stomach propped up on her elbows on one of the couches. The library was one of the least used rooms in the entire guild hall so it was rather strange to see someone actually in here. It was weird for myself to be in here.

She looked like she was comfortable and entirely in her element. She turned to look at me, and I couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was. "I'm sorry about Misty. She's just jealous," I told her. "What's there to be jealous of," she asked with a tilt of her head. "She and I used to be a thing, but then I found out she was a tramp who couldn't keep her legs closed, I ended it," I explained to her. I then looked at the book she was reading, "What are you reading?" "A book on magic suppressors," she answered. "But Timber can smell powerful magic users even with suppressors," I said to her. She nodded, "I know. I'm hoping that maybe if I can copy the suppression properties that allows one to suppress their magic from a suppressor item, I can do it naturally with my own magic." I the realized what she was getting at, "Because if it's you're own magic suppressing itself, he may not be able to tell." 

She nodded, "Exactly." "Has that ever been done before," I asked curiously as I perched on the arm of the couch. "As far as I'm aware, no. However, with magic, anything is possible so I'm not gonna rule out a possible chance without trying it myself," she replied. "I didn't know you could use your copy cat magic on magical objects," I told her. She shrugged, "Most who use copy cat magic, can't. I'm one of the few exceptions."

Just how strong was she?

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