Chapter 17

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Lilly's POV

I woke up and saw I was in the hospital. I saw Mandy sleeping with her head on my bed, she had her fingers laced with mine. I remembered the attack and the enemy Diamond Class magic user. If I had been at full strength then I could have taken them easily, but I had used my magic on the other soldiers before getting to them. Diamond Class are rare to come across, I didn't think we would come across one to be honest.

I looked around the room, and saw I had flowers, stuffed animals, and balloons filling a corner of the room. I looked back at Mandy when I felt her move beside me. She sat up and yawned, eyes still closed. When she opened them, she looked around sleepily, assessing her surroundings. Then her eyes landed on me. They widened when she realized I was awake. Her eyes filled with tears, and she kissed me without saying a word. I gladly kissed her back.

She rested her forehead against mine, "You had me so worried." "I'm sorry," I said to her, my voice hoarse from a dry throat. She got me some water then went to let the nurse know I had woken up.

After having my vitals and magic levels checked they left. I was going to be kept for one more day for observation then be allowed to go home, despite my wounds being fully healed due to their healing magic.

"What happened after the attack," I asked Mandy as she sat down. "The king requested all of the Guild leaders and the Dragon leader to gather for a meeting. The king plans on delivering an impressive warning to their kingdom, that if they don't listen too, then we'll go to war."

I sighed softly, "Oh goody." That was the last thing I wanted. I wanted to continue having our peaceful life, but I guess that was too much to ask. I knew because I was a Diamond Class and my high levels of magic, I would be playing a huge part in the war and I didn't want too.

"Hey," Mandy said, grabbing my hand. "It's going to be okay. Whatever role they make you play, I'm gonna be with you every step of the way. You just have to promise me something."

"What," I asked her. "Don't let this war diminish your color," she said to me. I smiled softly, similar words Camie once told me. I gave her hand a soft squeeze, "Never."

Once I was out of the hospital, I had a huge welcoming at the Guild Hall. Many gave me hugs while welcoming me home. It made me feel accepted and that I belonged here.

I saw our guild leader with the Dragon Alliance leader. "How do you feel," Huestiff asked me. "Better," I answered with a nod. "Good. We have much to discuss," he informed me. Master Marous took us somewhere private to speak.

Mandy crossed her arms, "What's going on?" "The Cavante Kingdom is trying to hunt down all Diamond Class magic users. Those who are in the Dragon Alliance are already going into hiding," Huestiff informed us. "Why are they hunting us," I asked completely shocked. "They took a page out of Larcade's book and they're draining them of their magic to fuel their magic weapons," Master Marous explained to Mandy and I. "I believe it's best you go into hiding as well," Huestiff told me.

I shook my head, "I'm sorry but I won't. They attacked us once, without trying to capture me. They'll attack next time looking for me, and I refuse to sit back while others fight for me." "Think about what would happen if they did manage to get their hands on you," Huestiff said to me. "Masi from Blessed Enchantments has already gone in hiding. As well as their guild Master," Master Marous informed us.

"Unlike those cowards, I'm going to fight. They want me, then let them try it," I said to them. I looked at Huestiff, "I might be a Dragon Alliance member, but I'm a Crooked Sin member first, and we have this habit of not knowing when to back down."

Master Marous nodded with a small smirk, "I told you Huestiff, Lilly won't just sit back while others fight for her. She's a member of Crooked Sin through and through." "You struggled yourself Lilly," Huestiff reminded me. "That's because I took on so many then went against their Diamond Class member without properly readying my magic," I countered. "With proper magic preparations I'll be more than ready to face them next time. Do not under estimate me." I would have to take a couple days of meditation and bring it all to the surface, but next time, I'll be able to take them out with ease.

He studied me before nodding, "Have it your way Lilly." He then disappeared. "You two go rest. We should have some time before they try to come up with a counter attack. We hit them harder than they expected so it's safe to assume we have some time before they launch their next attack."

Mandy and I nodded before leaving his office. Mandy wrapped an arm around my waist, "Have I ever told you how bad ass you are?" I smiled softly, "I'm really not." "You just stood up to the leader of the Dragon Alliance and declared you were gonna kick our enemy's ass," she said. "That's pretty bad ass." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Of course when you face them, you won't be alone."

We went into the main hall where everyone was hanging out. It was good to be home.

I sat at the table and Mandy got me something to eat. "How do you feel," Nelson asked me. "Stiff from the hospital bed, but other than that I feel fine," I answered truthfully. Mandy brought me my food and watched me as I ate it.

Although I was healed, my energy hasn't returned. Mandy walked with me to my room so I could go take a nap. She gave me a kiss then left my room so I could rest.

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