Chapter 19

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Lilly's POV

When we tracked them down, it was an all out magic war once we broke into their hideout. Luckily there were no injuries on our side. As punishment for attacking our guild, I stripped them of their magic permanently. It was something I tried to avoid doing the first time we met, but I wanted to ensure they could never attack us again. Unfortunately when I did it, I felt so horrible. Magic is a part of us, its who we are, but once that part is gone part of us dies. I may not have killed them physically but I might as well have.

It's an incredibly dark magic that is used when you strip someone of their magic. It's something I try to avoid as much as possible. It never sits well with me when I use it. Once we had gotten back to the guild hall, my mind was weighed down in guilt. I was unable to partake in the party they had thrown over our success.

Mandy had laid with me in bed, holding me and doing her best to reassure that what I had done was okay. Even though I didnt feel like it was.

Afterwards it was all over the news that they had been stripped of their magic and now some are asking if I should have my magic restricted. They were questioning my morals and what was stopping me from going through with doing it to more people. I was being called a monster and can't go into town without several people avoiding me like the plague. It makes me feel even worse about what I did.

Today many were gone doing various jobs, including Mandy. I was in the common area, sorting out the different job applications the guild received today in the mail. I divided them up by class types. I didn't get in any job requests so I didn't have to make a pile for myself. I had the TV playing since I was the only one in here.

I was pinning them to the different boards when a news reporter caught my attention, "How close are you to Lilly Straun?" I saw they were interviewing Mandy. "She's my girlfriend," Mandy told him. "So I'd say really close." "Can you tell us why she stripped Larcade and his guild of their magic," he asked her next. "On my birthday she and I had gone to a Matching Gravestones concert and when we got back to the guild hall, our guild had been attacked, some in serious shape," Mandy shared with him. "Larcade's guild is filled with serial killers. They have been taking people's magic and killing them for a while. Yet Lilly is being seen as the monster in this situation? She permanently stripped them of their magic and let them live. Stripping them of their magic is a proper punishment for all the lives they've taken. After she did it, she felt like shit for it, but she knew in the end it was best for everyone."

"Many are scared of her turning to the darker side of magic," he stated. "What do you think of those claims?" "That they're full of shit," Mandy answered. "Lilly is the kindest person I know. She is selfless, funny, and so kind. For many years people have talked shit about us Crooked Sin members, and we've all brushed them off. Talking shit about Lilly though? I don't give a shit who you are. Keep her name out of your mouth if it isn't to praise her. When our city was attacked Lilly was deep into the action. She almost died going against their diamond class mage. Before she went against the diamond class, she was taking on their other soldiers, protecting as many people as possible. This is the fucking thanks you give her? She ensures a bunch of murderers can't continue killing people and you claim her as the bad guy? You all need to wake the hell up and check the situation. You all claim you want her capped, but what if we went to war? She will have to do far worse than what she did to Larcade on a battlefield. Oh but because she's going to be fighting in all of your places so you can stay home in your comfy homes, you don't want her capped then. She's not some kind of weapon. She is a person with feelings. She is currently hurt that people who were once nice to her, are now scared of her. Wake the hell up people. Lilly is an amazing person and you all are scared for nothing."

I couldn't help but smile as she had spoken. She was my ever supportive and caring girlfriend. After her interview, the reporter approached Misty who had her hands full of shopping bags. Oh boy, I thought. Who knows what she's going to say.

"How close are you to Lilly Straun," the reporter asked her. She raised an eyebrow at him, "Why are you going around and asking the guild members this? Are you hoping to find one who supports the bull shit going around town? Sorry buddy, but we all like Lilly."

She likes me?

"Rumor is though, you two don't get along," he said to her. "We're a guild. Guild is family. I'm sure you have family members you don't get along with but when it comes down to it you'd stick up for them when it matters," she said to him. "Lilly is a goody goody two shoes person. She sticks out in our guild, but in a good way. The only ones who should be scared of her are those who targets the ones she cares about. Now then, I have a pedicure appointment to get too and I don't need you to make me late."

I guess she was supportive in her own Misty way.

The next interview made my heart sink. It was Edgar, my oldest brother. He was only my brother through my father. He was the golden child and could do no wrong in my father's eyes. Edgar never liked the attention being our father's son brought him though.

"Is it true Lilly Straun from Crooked Sin is your youngest sibling," the interviewer asked him. Edgar nodded as he crossed his muscular arms. He enjoyed working out to help distract himself from his frustration towards our father. "Yeah she is. What of it?"

"How do you feel about her recent actions against Larcade and his guild," the interviewer asked him next. "I feel proud of my sister. She did something the council was too much of a pussy to do themselves," Edgar told him.

"How do you feel about her joining Crooked Sin instead of Blessed Enchantment like the rest of your family," the interviewer asked him next. "I think Crooked Sin is good for her. They'll help her grow and accept her for who she is," he answered. He then gave a sigh, "I have heard the rumors and fears going around about her. They're misplaced. Lilly is a compassionate person with a big heart. All she has ever wanted to do was help people. Her taking care of Larcade did exactly that, helped keep others safe because now he can't go after others. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a job request that needs to be taken care of." He then walked away.

"So it seems not all of your family members hate you," a voice said suddenly beside me. I jumped a sound of shock releasing from me as my heart slammed into chest. I turned to the owner of the voice and saw Master Marous.

I nodded, "My brothers and I didn't have a bad relationship growing up. It was distant but we knew each other well enough." "Then why did they come along when your father came by that one time," he asked me with a raised eyebrow.

I sighed as I fixed one of the stacks of job requests, "My father was talking about me having an arranged marriage to someone of his choosing. My brothers came to my defense in the matter. They had originally tagged along because of Mandy."

He nodded, "The lass is quite the brawler." He moved his eyes from the TV to me. "So how do you feel?" I sighed, "I hate what I did to them but I know that if I didn't more people were just going to get hurt and that's how I am able to live with what I did."

He nodded, "Where did you learn to take one's magic?" I sighed softly, "During my travels to find someone who can fast travel I came across a dark guild who wanted to rob me of my possessions and one of their members had the ability to take others magic gifts away. I learned a few illegal things and some other dark arts that aren't illegal but should be used with severe caution."

He nodded, "I see. Let's be sure you don't use those spells unless it's needed." I was in full agreement with that sentiment.

When Mandy came back she had a bouquet of pink glittering roses. As she handed them to me she kissed my cheek. "What are these for," I asked her as I brought them to my nose.

"To make your day a little brighter," she replied which caused my cheeks to warm a little. "Thank you Mandy," I said before pecking her lips. "And thank you for what you said to the reporter." Mandy smiled, "Ignore everyone. Here you are loved and cared for. Everyone who is scared of you can fuck right off."

Her words made me laugh a little. She gave me a kiss that I was more than happy to return. I just pray what everyone said really did help change the people's views about me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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