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"Is she still talking?" Brittany muttered out the side of her mouth, and Santana glanced back at her

"I don't know, I've been trying to name all the states for the last half an hour" they smirked and Rachel spun on her heel

"Are you guys listening?" they both nodded innocently, "Ugh! Guys, my dads arrive in two days!"

"So?" Brittany frowned

"It's my dad's birthday Saturday, they arrive Friday and I have no idea what to get him, or when I'll find the time to go shopping, because I still haven't got him a gift!" Rachel threw her arms up in the air

Santana rolled her eyes. "I know, you dragged us round half of Manhattan looking for one. Only you could be in New York, and not be able to find a gift." It was just after noon on Wednesday, and Rachel had dragged them both out of bed at 9am to go shopping with her. They had been following her round the streets for nearly four hours now

"Well, strictly speaking I have got him a gift" Rachel confessed, and Brittany put out and arm to stop Santana from reached out and strangling the girl

"What the fuck? Hobbit, you said we were looking for a gift!" she stopped, and Rachel walked a few steps before realising they weren't behind her and turning to give them an impatient look. Santana was tired from lack of sleep and a distinct red mist was starting to cloud her vision

"Well, we are! I got him a sweater, but I also wanted to get him something a little more... just a little something extra, you know? Make it a little special. It's the first time they've visited me in the city, and my Dad's birthday, I want to do something nice"

"So we've been suggesting normal gifts all along, when actually you only want something small and special?" Brittany said stonily, quirking an eyebrow

"Yeah...exactly..." Rachel looked at her feet as Brittany glared

"You are evil." Rachel frowned, her confused evident as her mouth dropped open, and Santana giggled "I'm not letting you stay in the apartment tonight; you don't deserve shelter. You can sleep in the foyer with Stink-Eye Jim if you get desperate" the blonde rolled her eyes and carried on walking, and the other two girls followed after her

"Why are blonde girls so violent?" Rachel muttered to herself as she did a little skip to keep up with the taller girl's long strides, and Santana's mind wandered to a distinctly un-violent blonde

"Oh, hey, did I tell you about the Bernstein's place?" Santana asked, and Brittany slowed her pace "Someone new is in there already. Actually she was moved in like, three days later. If that."

"Wow. So what's it been turned into?" Rachel asked over her shoulder

"It's this bakery, run by this bitch. Some blonde chick. I hate her. And I'm pretty sure she has something wrong with her, because she's like the joker. Seriously, the girl never stops smiling."

Brittany frowned at her "So? Some people are just happy; we're not all tainted like you" she snorted

"Enthusiastic happiness makes me feel unclean" Santana grimaced and Rachel and Brittany exchanged an amused look, shaking their heads

"So it's now run by a happy blonde baker? Yeah sounds like hell." Rachel rolled her eyes

"Bitch took the Bernstein's place!" Santana protested and Brittany frowned

"Uh, I thought the Bernsteins left. Wouldn't they have gone anyway? She didn't really steal it" Santana thought for a moment. That was true. But it was easier to pretend it wasn't

"Well, whatever, she's irritating either way. Butmy point was that she actually does make really good cupcakes. I got one for Jeremy, my student, for his birthday last week; why don't you get your Dad one, Rach?" she shrugged like it was the most obvious thing in the world, and Rachel looked thoughtful

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