In the Morning and On the Fridge

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"Oh. Hey" she smiled awkwardly

"Hi there Quinn! How are you?" Rachel beamed, ignoring the girl's discomfort

"Not too bad. Tired, but good" she nodded

"Oh by the way, I found these on the street outside their apartment" Jess grinned innocently as she held up the keys, and Quinn blushed at the memory

"Oh my God, thank you so much!" Quinn grinned her appreciation

"So did you have fun?" Brittany beamed, as Quinn handed her a coconut cake

"Yeah, it was great. Lots of fun" she swallowed, looking between the girls awkwardly

"We'll have to do it again" Rachel grinned and the blonde nodded "So...if you dropped your keys, then what did you do last night?" she asked casually. Quinn cleared her throat and dropped her eyes

Brittany rolled her eyes, before saving the girl "Did you stay at your brother's? He lives near-by, doesn't he?"

"Uh, yeah. Yeah I did" Quinn nodded, still looking down at the counter she was wiping unnecessarily

"I see." Rachel nodded "Anyway, we just came in to see how you were feeling today. Not too hungover?"

"No, I've felt worse" the grin was back, and Jess and Brittany shared a glance "You?"

"Yeah, we're not too bad. Took us over an hour to drag Rachel out of bed, but we're feeling good" the blonde grinned

"So yeah, guess we'll see you next time" Jess smiled, swinging the door open, and they left.


It was a cold Wednesday morning, only one week left of school, and Santana had dragged herself out of bed with a groan, to trudge to work early. She had left a box of mock-exams at the school, and they were due to be marked for the second period of the day. She moped self-pityingly as the snow fell around her, feeling sorry for herself as it made the path slippery as she walked to the school from the subway station. She hadn't spoken to Quinn since the weekend. She wasn't avoiding her; she just hadn't needed to visit the bakery this week.

But the blonde hadn't called her either. Or even texted. Rude.

She arrived at the school an hour before the students would arrive, and unlocked the classroom with a groan. The room was almost as cold as the exterior of the building, and Santana immediately crossed to the radiator. It was freezing cold. She checked her watch, realising that the heating in the room should have been on and working at least half an hour ago. It was just too much.

She let out a small scream of frustration, balling up her hands and screwing her eyes shut as she stamped her feet. Ugh. Okay, that feels better, even if it was childish and a very Berry thing to do. Thank God she was alone.

"Are you alright, Ma'am?" Oh fucking fuckety fuck. She turned her head slowly, to look at the fat balding janitor in the doorway. Well. This would be horribly embarrassing if it wasn't THE WORST DAY OF MY FUCKING LIFE.

"Yes. Fine. Just cold." She smiled politely and he looked guilty

"Sorry ma'am," STOP FUCKING CALLING ME MA'AM, DO I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING PENSIONER? " I meant to get here sooner but I got held up. I'm here to fix it" he gestured to the toolbox in his hand and the radiator, and she gave a tight smile as he entered. She sat at her desk, not daring to remove her coat and brave the cold. Sighing, she pulled the box of papers towards her, grabbing the first one and marking through it. She worked quickly through them, slowly growing more and more irritated.

No, Jenni, that is NOT a fucking Quaver and it's not four beats!

Yes, Ellie, THAT'S a motif. You fifteen-year-old moron.

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