Samchel Is On

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"It's not what it looks like!" Sam shook his head casually, and the girls all turned to stare at him.

"Seriously?" Santana quirked an eyebrow and Rachel rolled her eyes,

"It's exactly what it looks like!" she replied bitterly, and Quinn glared at Rachel and Sam.

"Look, I've just been through a life-changingly disturbing ordeal, so someone needs to start telling me why, and it had better be good!" she shuddered and Sam rolled his eyes,

"Well maybe if you weren't so nosy you wouldn't be in this mess!" he looked cockily at Quinn, who scoffed,

"Maybe if you weren't such a man-slut!" she shot back, and he gave her a small shove.

"Shut up, that is so not true and you know it! You're just bitter because you're little mission didn't work as planned!"

"Well you're just pissed because you're little secret affair didn't work as planned!" she mimicked.

"Okay, children!" Santana shifted over Quinn to sit between the two, holding her hands up, "Stop bickering. Jesus, I'm not your mother!" she scowled and they both shuddered, before Sam sighed.

"Well, can I at least put a shirt on please?" he shrugged defensively, and Jess nodded enthusiastically,

"Please feel free. There is not enough hetero in this room for that to be acceptable."

He jogged to the bedroom and the four girls turned to Rachel simultaneously with expectant looks, and she shifted uncomfortably under their gaze, before rolling her eyes with a sigh, taking a deep breath as the boy returned and sat by her on the chair.

"Fine. Well, I dunno it's been like...a month? I think?" she frowned, and Brittany snorted,

"Yeah, we know how long it's been."

"Okay, well it's been...however long. We didn't wan to tell anyone because obviously...Sam is still..." she trailed off and Sam turned a deep crimson, and Santana raised an eyebrow,

"Mauling Maleficent?" she prompted helpfully, and Sam scowled at her for a moment, but was greeted with a glare from Santana and Quinn, and he quickly averted his eyes.

"Not exactly. But we're also not really...broken up." He winced and the girls nodded slowly.

"Okay..." Jess said evenly, but Brittany frowned,

"What? Why?" she demanded, uncomprehending, and Santana nodded

"Yeah, why are you messing Rachel around?" she immediately glared at Sam, who began shaking his head furiously, while Quinn shifted uncomfortably at the girl's protective jibe.

"It's not like that!" Sam insisted, and Quinn grimaced,

"Please explain. Because right now it kind of sounds that way. And they can hate you if you're messing Rachel around...but I'm not allowed." She frowned, glancing at Sam before giving her head a small shake and shuddering as she turned back to look at Santana, who patted her knee gently.

"It's not like that!" Rachel insisted, "It really isn't." She shook her head calmly, and the girls looked between them expectantly.

"So..." Jess prompted, and Sam and Rachel exchanged a bashful smile before Sam took a breath,

"Basically, I can't really afford to live alone right now." He blushed, glancing up at the girls in turn, and Brittany frowned back.

"So...wait, does that mean Sugar pays for your apartment?"

"Um...yeah." he blushed, and his shoulder's slumped with embarrassment as he took in the girls' shocked expressions, "Yes. I know it's pathetic, but she earns a lot more than I do. So she pays the extortionate rent" he rolled his eyes "and I pay half the bills. But, I don't want to rent by myself, I kind of want to buy my own place so I can install my own darkroom and then hopefully I'll be able to run my business full-time and be more self-employed." He blushed and the girls nodded slowly.

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