14- SHY-SHY...

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Monday morning came pretty slowly for the two indirect love birds.

Every minute seemed extra-long and neither of them could sleep soundly at night. Classes seemed longer than usual, but then finally evening came and they were meeting up under the school building.

Y/N was waiting for Jeon to come outside the school building, looking at the sky filled with oranges and purples and pink clouds.


How could Y/N not recognize that voice. A smile made its way on her lips as she turned around to see Jeongguk running toward her waving his hands frantically.


Y/N giggled and waved back to him.

Jeongguk was so excited! He wanted to tell Y/N so many things. How he had mastered an ace in volleyball. Wanted to let out all the grudge he had against other players. Tell her how he told his coach that studies were important to him.

There was just so much to catch up on.

Well Y/N was on the same page. She wanted to tell Jeongguk everything. So much had happened since the last time they met.

"Jeongguk!" Y/N braced herself for a powerful impact of Jeongguk's hug but instead when she opened her eyes, she saw Jeon standing in front of her with mix of a smirk and a cheeky smile (feat. his bunny teeth). She melted right there... Gosh. It was bold of other men to have been born in the era in which Jeon fucking Jeongguk existed. He was illegal.

"Why were your eyes closed? Did you expect me to kiss you or something?" Jeon raised his eyebrows and smirked. Y/N's eyes widened.

"No! Not at all! Ewe you pervert!" she was so flustered.

A bushing mess.

Maybe melting right there was not such a bad idea after all.

Jeon found it cute. How Y/N turned completely red and looked down, not daring to meet his gaze.

"Then why were your eyes closed?" He cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Oh that," she blushed, "I thought you'll hug me, and I'll lose my balance, so I was preparing myself." That's what it was about Y/N- She was straight forward, she had full trust in him.

"sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable?" that's all she said in the end.

"No! absolutely not!" with that he hugged her. (genteelly, so that she didn't fall backwards)

Y/N hugged him back.

It had been quite a while.

They walked; more like strolled toward their destination, with Jeongguk over enthusiastically helping Y/N catch up on what he had been up to.

Y/N had a lot to tell him too. But decided against it considering that maybe Jeon wouldn't be interested, and he had so much to tell her. So she ended up just listening to him while smiling at how childish he was.

Soon they reached Y/N's astronomy club were Jeongguk was going to drop her off before reaching the gym every day, from today.

"Thanks Jeon." Y/N smiled at him.

"No problem. I had a lot of fun. I'll pick you up later." He said though he wasn't sure if his coach would allow him to leave with the other students.

"Don't you have extra practice after normal club hours guk?" Another thing about Y/N. She was not selfish and made sure that people around her were comfortable.

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