8- I Want to Be with You...

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She opened the door to see Jeongguk standing right there with a mixed expression of worry and nervousness.

"I hope I'm not disturbing. You seem to be meditating" Jeongguk said rubbing the back of his neck as he peeked behind Y/N to see her house entirely dark with calm music playing.

"No, no. Please come in." Y/N said moving aside to let Jeongguk in.

She then closed the door behind her and saw Jeongguk looking around in awe.

"Your dorm looks like some luxury apartment from the movies," He said as he scanned the room admiring every atom.

"It is beautiful." Y/N answered.

"Looks like I interrupted your personal and dinner time." Jeon said looking at Y/N's half-eaten bowl of salad.

"It's okay Guk. Why do you look so bothered? Have you even eaten anything? "Y/N asked giving him a concerned look.

Jeongguk stayed quiet.

"Okay then. Let me make you some dinner and we will eat together in silence just the way I like it." Y/N smiled at him.

"Sit down Jeongguk-ahh. I have sofas for a reason."

Y/N said pointing at her mini aesthetic sofa set.

Jeongguk kept silent and sat on one of the sofas.

He looked outside; the view was mesmerizing. So soothing even though Y/N had turned on a few lights so that she could use the kitchen and cook Jeongguk his evening meal.

She had an open kitchen that connected to her small drawing-room where she was eating her supper. Y/N quickly made Jeongguk some ramen and served it to him in a bowl with a set of chopsticks.

She handed it over to Jeongguk and signed him to sit down in front of the glass window where Y/N's bowl was kept. She then closed all the lights once again and sat beside Jeongguk, both of them now quietly admiring the beauty of the city as it got darker.

All one could hear was their mouths chewing food and the music Y/N played.

"So, it looks like we are on our first date." Y/N said breaking the silence.

"Well, I guess so." Jeongguk replied looking down at his ramen and lightly stirring it.


"Jeon Jeongshit?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been that mean to you today after the match. I don't deserve you." Jeongguk said softly, not being able to meet the younger's eyes, pain evident in his voice.

Y/N let out a sigh and set her now empty bowl aside.

"Jeongguk, look at me." She said softly, but Jeon didn't respond.

"Jeongguk...Please look at me." But he still didn't move.

Y/N had no choice left now. She had to move herself.

She got up and gently placed herself on Jeongguk's lap with her legs wrapped around his waist, as she sat facing towards him. She took his bowl of ramen from his hand and placed it on the side. Jeongguk looked confused at what Y/N just did.

Y/N was now on top of Jeongguk staring right at him.

He looked so handsome with the city lights shining on his face making his soft features stand out even more. His doe eyes held delicate glimmer. The city was placed ever so elegantly in those almond eyes, and there, Y/N saw a reflection of herself. There she sat in his perplexed eyes smiling gently.

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