3- The Next Day....

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Y/N woke up the next day at 6 again and performed the normal morning routine that consisted of her going for a run and then to the gym, and then getting ready for school leaving the building at exactly 7:30 am.

She didn't want to think much about last evening and so she brushed it off and headed to the cafeteria praying that she would not have to talk about it ever again. It was her little secret that she didn't want anyone to know.

Upon reaching, the cafeteria she was greeted by her friends as usual.

Sojun and Young Mi, the couple in the group were peacefully chatting with each other. Eun Hye the nerd, was reading a math book solving problems in it. Areum and her Korean girlfriend Seo-Yeon were eating and Sojin, Sua, and Kang-dae were on their phones. Y/N found a place between Sua and Eun Hye and somehow made her way sitting in between the two.

Y/N then cleared her throat asking for everyone's attention.

"So, do you guys know who this Jeon Jeongguk is?" regretting instantly after inquiring. But she wanted to know. She just couldn't control herself.

The table went silent for a moment.

"Y/N-ahh, why do you want to know?" Kang-dae, the more athletic one asked her with a worried look on his face.

He was famous in school and attended a lot of parties. He knew almost everyone at school.  He treated Y/N like his little sister.

"I just want to know Oppa"

Kang-dae signed and looked at her.

"Jeon is the captain of the school volleyball team. He is a bad person Y/N. All he cares about is himself. He has a crazy body count. I hope you know what I mean. He vandalized the school building. He drinks and has awfully bad behaviour. He has no respect for anyone and just knows how to use people."

Y/N listened intently.

"Please don't ever approach him Y/N." 

"I won't. I just wanted to know out of curiosity." Y/N said giving him an assuring smile.

"how do you know about him Y/N?" Sojin asked now completely focused on the topic of conversation.

"I overheard someone talk about him last evening" 

"oh okay," Sojin said with an unsure look on his face.

Nobody brought it up for the rest of the breakfast.

As they were all about to leave, two boys approached the table where all the friends were sitting and tapped on Y/N's shoulder.

She jumped on her seat as she turned to come face to face with two medium heightened men with a big built.

Y/N saw Kang-dae quickly get up.

"yes?" he asked

"nothing. We want to talk to this girl for a moment." One of them spoke.

"what do you want from Y/N?" Kang-dae asked the two with is hand now turning into a fist and his jaw clenched tight.

"so your name is Y/N." the other spoke.

"How dare you complaint about Jeongguk from the teachers when he told you not to!?" one of them spoke ignoring the fact that Kang-dae was going to come and push them away from her.

Everyone gasped as they heard the boy.

"because it was the right thing to do." Y/N snapped back at them with no fear lurking in her eyes.

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