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The school ball was today. Y/N felt excited and jumped around her dorm happily. She had worked hard and wanted to put up the best performance. She had to attend a physics club meeting today in the morning and had to go back to the physics club the moment her performance was over in the evening. It was her first astronomy project in the club, and she couldn't wait!

She had to stay up all night for it in the club. But she knew that it was going to be worth it.

Y/N had a busy day ahead but before anything else, she owed her friends an explanation about yesterday.

Y/N was not welcomed by the usual hugs and smiles today. Everyone was tense and no one wanted to say anything to her.

Everyone patiently waited for Y/N to provide them with a satisfactory explanation of what had happened yesterday.

"Hi everyone!" Y/N said with all the courage that she could gather up.

"Ok. I know I owe you all an apology and an explanation for all the bullshit that happened yesterday"

Nobody responded. But Y/N continued anyway.

She told them about the staffroom incident and her conversation with the three boys outside the cafeteria.

"Y/N-ahh" Areum spoke breaking the awkward silence.

"We all deeply appreciate your truthfulness with the teachers and the confidence you showed in tackling the situation in the calmest of manners. You get brownie points for both the things." Areum said with a faint smile on her face.

"But this was dangerous Y/N. Now you are in Jeon's hitlist. You will never know when he comes and uses you to his benefit." Eun Hye completed Areum 's sentence.

"I am so sorry everyone." Y/N said with her head bowed low.

She knew her friends were not happy.

Her gaze then shifted to Kang-dae who was sitting quietly in the corner of the table.

"Kang-dae Oppa," Y/N called out not ready to face him.

"Oppa, I am sorry. But I will take care of myself. Trust me."

"Y/N, I know you will. I have never doubted that." Kang-dae responded slowly.

"But I have no faith in Jeongguk. None of us do. All I am saying is that now you must be careful. Especially when he is around you. Be intelligent with every step you take. You will be encountering him a lot now." He warned Y/N.

"Ok, everyone. I hope you all can forgive me for lying to you all."

Y/N said.

"Of course!" the friends cheered.

Y/N truly had the most supportive friends.


Surprise! A double update for all you beautiful reader out there. This is just the filler chapter.

It kind of mirrors the situation of the silence before the storm. hehehe

Anyway. Time for me to go.



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