9- Best Boyfriend! Wait, what?! NO! Best Friend....

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The summer breaks were starting soon. Y/N had a busy schedule these days. Tests, club projects, and classes in general were eating up all her time. She had also started volunteer work and was working a part-time job at one of the boba shops near school. She had to build a wholesome application to get into her dream college.

Jeongguk was extremely busy too. He had multiple volleyball matches back-to-back and had to go to other schools and stay there for multiple days. He had tests and other matters to attend to.

They both had schedules such that they could barely see each other only to wave at one another while passing by in the corridor.

It was quite unfortunate. They both missed each other a lot and now that the breaks were going to start soon they had to meet each other soon or else they won't be able to see one another for a solid one month.

It had already been a month of being caught up in work. So, it was almost an emergency at this time. They had to meet each other soon.

It was a Friday evening when Jeongguk was finished with volleyball practice around 7. All the players were in the locker room. Jeongguk quickly took a shower and wore his normal clothes again. He was called by the principal to have a word with him. Jeongguk didn't know what to expect from their scheduled meeting. Whether it was going to be about something good or bad.

As Jeongguk was about to exit the locker room he heard someone talking about Y/N.

"Yaah! That girl. Her performance was so seductive!!! I want to approach her." One of the boys said.

"I heard her name Is Kim Y/N" another of the boys said.

"She seems to be a good girl. I feel like making her mine won't be that hard" another said with a smirk.

Jeongguk 's muscles tensed as he heard them talk further. Rage started to course through him.

"I'm going to go pay her a visit today itself and make sure that she is mine." The third one said.

These three boys were useless and used to stay on the bench as substitutes only. Jeongguk hated them but controlled his emotions as a responsible captain of the team.

He couldn't believe his ears. The boys were trying to hurt Y/N. They were going to force her. Jeongguk knew that Y/N would never say yes to them. But Y/N was also the type to make sure not to hurt someone's feelings.

Jeongguk had to make sure he protects her from getting into the situation in the first place.

He saw Taehyung, Jimin, San, and Yeong-Yom looking at him with a worried gaze. Jeongguk was losing his temper with every word the three boys spoke.

"No one is fucking meeting Y/N! Am I clear!" Jeongguk finally bursted making the entire locker room fall silent.

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