Chapter 9: Unsuspecting problems

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I glared outside the window of my office, something seemed off but I couldn't quite put my finger on it... Did I forget to schedule a meeting with someone? Did I make sure everything was up to code? I kept wondering but I couldn't seem to think about the right answer. I decided it would be best to just forget about it for now. So I thought to myself, maybe I can use them to keep me busy... Moved one of my fencing swords out of the way and reached onto the hidden compartment. "My season 5 limited addition Annie girl of the stars action figures, this shall do perfect." I know, a grown woman shouldn't watch cartoons for children but I can't help myself, to me it's much more then a show it's like something I can't live without.

"Why hello Annie, sure is a good day to have fun, huh?" I tried my best to make a Beowulf impression but it's not exactly that good. "Not now Beowulf, we've got a skullgirl to beat!" I said cheerfully imitating Annie, and then all of a sudden... "Commander Parasoul." I quickly hid my action figures out of sight. "Uhm... What is it Egret?" I said trying to keep my cool, "Your conference with the Press is in 10 minutes." She said, this Egrets name is Charlie, she's proven to be a top of her troop. "I-i see, for now just let me enjoy my peace and quiet." I told her. "Right! Sorry for bothering you Commander." She said shutting the door, as soon as it was safe I continued with my business. "You're right Annie, let's kick some skullgirl butt!" I chuckled at the fact I myself was acting like I was on the show myself, too bad I can't get Umbrella to watch it with me. No matter for now I need to just enjoy my day off without ANY interruptions, just me and my action figures....or so I thought.

"Enjoying your toys princess?" A voice said from inside my room, I looked around and found no one. Suddenly the chair infront of me morphed into a horrible abomination...Double, "What do you want this time?" I spoke grabbing Krieg getting ready for a fight. "I don't want anything princess, I'm just here to remind you about something." She said to me in her distorted voice, I remembered about what happened that day under the church... I wished for my sister not to become the monster known as the skullgirl but at a price, I am destined to become the skullgirl. Just when I thought it was going good for me in this's all making sense now. "I'll figure something out, I always do." I said pointing Krieg directly at her, I don't care if I lose an arm. I'll kill her here and now. "I don't deny that you won't figure something out, but it's certain all that effort would be in vain." She says turning into my own mother... that wretched beast... "Oh my beautiful Parasoul, it brings me such joy to see that you've turned into such a incompetent princess, I cannot wait to see you downfall." She laughs imitating my mother's voice, I've had it with this damned abomination! I swung at her with Krieg, just barely hitting her as she jumped out the open window, giving me a single cut on my left cheek.

The door opened and the only person I saw was Ms. Fortune, she comes to Canopolis every now and then to babysit Umbrella but right now, she came at the wrong time. "Parasoul, are you ok? What happened, and why is your office a bit trashed?" She asks looking around the room, I'm not going to look at her face to face, I don't want her or anyone seeing my tears running down my face...  "It's nothing Fortune... nothing at all" I say looking out my window, it's only a matter of time before anyone finds out. Before she finds out...

                  END OF CHAPTER

HEY THERE, sorry I haven't been active for a long while now but I promise I'm back and ready to continue this fanfic. I hope you've all enjoyed this so far

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