Chapter 6: an unpleasant morning

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My name is Molly, I am the communications officer and I work for commander Parasoul. I'm currently dating Roxie the engineer for the Egret troops. "Roxie I don't think we should do this, it might wake up Valerie." "Don't worry baby, we'll do it quickly and then we clean up and go to sleep. Easy!" She sounded so confident about this. For the record, she wanted to have 'fun' while everyone else is asleep. I kept saying it might be a bad idea. But of course she doesn't listen. "Look Molly she's passed out cold, there's no way she's getting up." I have to admit Valerie did have too much to drink but I caught something that seemed a tad bit off. I heard two people snoring and Valerie looked like she was holding on to something. "Roxie, something seems strange." "Huh you're right, if she was holding onto something the most likely thing would be her pillow but she's laying her head on it." She slowly reached for Valerie's blanket and pulled it off. "P-p-..." I couldn't believe it, she was holding onto... "Commander Parasoul?!" I was in shock. How? They fell asleep with eachother, and they were naked! "Oh... Shit." "Molly go get Commander Parasoul her normal dress and hurry before she wakes up!" As I walk out the door I tripped over a pair of heel. "Ow!" I hit my head pretty hard so hard I made a loud thud that woke them up. "Ugh Molly please just let me sleep it's 2 am. . ." "Mmh Val baby just close your eyes." They both came to the realization that they were both naked... And in bed with eachother. "AAAA-." "AAAA-."


As the morning sun rises, Parasoul gets changed and acts like nothing happened, now Val on the other hand... That was a different situation. "Oh God oh God... What if this gets out? The others will think I took advantage of her." Val kept pacing around the room concerned whether or not anyone else saw. "Val I'm sure this isn't going to get out just don't panic. Besides, you need around 27 days to complete your Egret training and then you can let your guy's relationship public." "Damnit Molly it's not so easy." Oh boy maybe I can't help after all and it's kinda weird since y'know someone sleeping with the princess is a really big deal. A few hours pass and the Egrets finish up they're training and that's when poker night started, poker night is when some Egrets and recruits all play poker games and gamble. So naturally me and Roxie decided to participate this time. To our surprise both Valerie and Parasoul showed up, I wonder why. "Hello Molly, you seem to be in a good mood." Parasoul said sounding menacingly. Oh boy they might try to kill me since I saw them. "Why the worried face Molly, go on and sit down." Valentine demanded, well this might just be my last moments alive. I decided to sit down sweating nervously not knowing what I should do. I just decided to get some poker chips and start playing.

Some time later...

One chip... I have one chip left. They've been targeting me the whole game I'm almost out of chips. "You seem uneasy Molly, how about you play another round." Parasoul said to me. "B-but commander I'm getting tired. May I just go to my sleeping quarters?" I asked fearfully. They're starting to scare me now...I don't like where this is going. "Very well then. I hope you have a goodnight and let us hope you wake up the next morning. It would be a shame if you didn't wake up for some unexpected reason, wouldn't it Valentine?" "Yeah it'd be a real shame if you stopped breathing Molly. We wouldn't want that to happen." They both said in a scary tone. Oh God they're going to kill me in my sleep I just know it. I hurried to my room, grabbed my pistol and kept it beside me while I laid on my bed. I heard the door open and I knew Valentine laid on her bed because she collapsed on her bed."Oh Molly~ I can smell your fear." She said. Oh God I'm gonna die not being Egret of the month. "You have a weapon on you I can tell. C'mon Molly why don't you give me a hug." I closed my eyes and hoped everything would be ok in the morning.

Later that night...

"Hey Molly you ok you've been acting kinda strange lately." Valentine said to me. Wait I swear she was trying to kill me earlier. Was my mind playing tricks on me or something? "You looked super tired when we were doing poker night. Did you stay up for too long?" I remembered I stayed up filling out some reports about Skullgirl activity in New Meridian. "Yeah I guess I must have stayed up way too late." Well note to self; don't always believe what you see or hear.

                      𝙴𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼

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