Kaminari's acting strange

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Everyone noticed how Kaminari awnsered all the questions he usually gets wrong he got right. Bakugo got so confused on how he knew the right awnser and he was impressed by it which caused him to smile like an idiot. Kirishima (whom sat next to Bakugo) noticed how happy he was to see Kamibro get his awnsers right.

It was Bakugo who just daydreamed of the other all day this time which was cute in any ship. "Want to bet by the next month Kami confesses" Jirou looked to Mina and accepted the challenge from her picked hair friend.

-* After class *-

Denki was getting his things when Mineta came over and told him he had a nice ass. Denki knew his short friend was bi, but never thought of Mineta hitting on him. Mineta reached for Denki's ass and Denki slapped him. Bakugo was getting a little jealous but had to back off because he didn't want others to know.

Mineta kept trying until Bakugo came up and told Mineta to fuck off or he'd be in trouble. Denki hugged Bakugo, "Thanks Bakubro he wouldn't stop!" He let go after he realized he hugged him out of instenct with Mina and Jirou.

He ran out of the class with his work and blushed so hard he had to hide in the bathroom to calm down. "It's okay Denki it was just an accident. He doesn't even like you." He started to cry badly. "I love you.."he whispered as if Bakugo could hear him and if he could hug him, he hugged his knee and continued to cry.

-*Bakugous POV*-

He was blushing sort of pissed he didn't get to hug him back and hold his slim waist and be able to feel his touch longer. Bakugo also craved the touch of Denki but would never admit it since he's the usually the best at everything. He gripped his shirt and smiled at the shirt that smelled like Kami.

Y'all should know this drill now but sadly Denki is in the other bathroom.

He knew kiri ran off somewhere so he went to the bathroom and made sure it was empty before he blocked the door and took his pants off. Fantasizing over Kami holding him like he was earlier but was in a different situation. He imagined all the faces Kaminari would make while doing that type of stuff. After about ten minutes he finished and came back to the reality where Kaminari wouldn't want that with him.

Yup you're safe again

He left the bathroom to see Denki walk by going to his next class. He knew he didn't have the same class and it was the other way but he walked with him to his next class. Denki was shocked knowing Bakugous next class was outside. They walked to his class and Denki ran in and hid his face. Bakugo just smiled and walked off.

When Bakugo got to class Kiri ran up and yelled at him for being late and worrying everyone. He personally didn't care about them. He could be happy with his crush other than he probably doesn't like him. "Shut up weird hair I was busy." Kiri was upset and it was obvious that he knew what the blonde angry boy was doing.


He was hiding his face and blushing so bad he looked like a strawberry. He wanted to hold Bakugous hand but he had to force his hand not to. When he looked up the teacher was there angry. "Kaminari what have I told you about running in class?" His voice was angry and he couldn't ask for help.

"M-Me. Aizawa I'm s-sorry." Soon he wasn't blushing he felt like crying for some reason. He put his head back down and tried not to cry. His legs were clenched and one was bouncing. When he felt enough courage to look up barely class was ending so he hurries up and got his stuff. It was math class now and he had it with Bakugo. They hardly ever got paired up which made him sad but he was happy Bakugo was there.

Once he got there Sero was sitting next to kiri instead of my seat and there are plenty open seats since not everyone's there yet but he's used to sitting in that spot so he sat next to Bakugo blushing hard and had his legs bounce again. Bakugo noticed since it was the leg near him, the left one. He didn't want to say anything because he thought it was his last class that made him all upset.

For some reason Shinsou came into class and walked up to Denki. Bakugo knew they were friends but didn't know why he was here and that pissed him off wanting to yell at him and screw off.

"Kami I need to tell you something at lunch.. it's very important." Kami was confused and was still blushing from being able to be near his crush. Shinsou didn't think about it until he saw it was Bakugo. "Why is he siting here?" Shinsou knew Kami liked him and it pissed him off they were that close.

"Oh Sero sat by Kiri so he is sitting where Sero sits." Trying not to stutter his eyes drift away from him and down to the table. "I didn't know about it I'm sorry."

"Alright dipshit you need to leave now!" Bakugo was getting angry with the purple head manipulative teenager. "You mad him sad you freak! Go be a criminal somewhere else!" Bakugo didn't want to say so harsh of words. But he did.

"Fine whatever you say pomeranian." His voice grew cold and upset. He patted Kami's head before leaving. He apologized for making a very big disruption in class.

"T-Thank you Bakugo." He was crying knowing how weak he was with Shinsou, he didn't fight back like he did with others. "You saved me again." Bakugo started crying hearing his weak voice and seeing his teary face. He was worried and didn't know what to do to make him stop crying first.

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