The School Knows

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"I'm going to tell our class they'll love this!" Sero said bouncing in place having a fanboy moment. He squealed as quiet as he could but ended up being very loud.

"Shut up and do it but only our class those extras don't deserve to know yet." Bakugo nuzzled into Kaminari.

"Yeah plus we don't know if they don't like this." Denki said in a sound tone and looked away during this.

"Aweee Bakubro cheer him up and don't ask to many questions I have tape and I know how to use all of it!" Sero said walking out.

"Damn idiot brining tape to school everyday. Bleh." Bakugo looked up and moved closer to Denki's face and gave him a bunch of kisses around his face.

Denki perked up a little and started blushing. "You missed." He giggled.

"Huh? No I did--" Bakugo was pulled into a kiss and he kissed Denki back.

Pulling away Denki said, "see I didn't miss." He giggled.

Bakugo smirks, "well I got to get to class I'll take notes for you alright?"

"Thanks babe your so good to me." Denki said smiling and having the face like he was in love and wanted to admire it forever.

"Eh- whatever nerd! But since I'm going I want a kiss and I won't take no as awnser!"

"I wasn't going to say no, now, I want that kiss you talked about." Denki put his hands out doing that grabby thing.

Bakugo leans in and was about to kiss lover when the door flew open. "What in the actual fuck! I told you to stay away from him Denki!" Denki jumped and grabbed onto Bakugous arm and screamed.

"Why the hell are you here eye bags!" Bakugo got up ready to fight Shinso and stood infront of Denki's bed.

"I'm here to see that wanna be nerd. Why are you here?" Shinso said ready to fight as well.

-Some swearing Warning and tw abuse-

"I'm here taking care of MY boyfriend since some dick head beat the shit out of him." Bakugo said while Denki held him closer not wanting to see a fight.

"Shinso leave right now. I don't want to see a fucking fight! So get the fuck out!" Denki yelled at his ex lover.

"Shut up before I hit you again this is between me and him!" Shinso said walking closer to

"You fucker get back we can fight after school and not infront of him!" Bakugo said glaring at the purple haired male. Shinso stopped walking and looked at him.

"Fine I'll see you then." Shinso sighed and walked towards the door and looked back at the two blondes being all lovely dovey and then walked out.

Bakugo gave Denki a kiss on the lips and his lover kissed him back. After a few minutes they both backed up. "Okay I got to go now my love I'll see you after that right?" He kissed Kaminari on the cheek with a nose nuzzle.

"Fine bye babe have a good day." Denki smiled and watched Bakugo leave the room. "Be careful I don't want you hurt."

Bakugo walked out of the room, "he's so great I'm so luck- WHAT THE-!" His mouth was covered and pinned to the door. Trying to get this person off of him.

In The End || KamiBaku(?)AUWhere stories live. Discover now