Bakugous Jealousy

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Bakugo reached out to pet his head but he just patted his back and quickly pulled away. Denki's shocked face amazed Bakugo and how he smiled made his heart melt. Bakugo blushed hard when he heard the other blonde boy laugh.

Bakugo had a deep feeling of happiness and another feeling. He enjoyed being with the little ball of energy but would never admit it. But he knew he was in love with this source of energy.

-*Bakugous mind*-

God I love this idiot but how am I supposed to know who he likes or even if I have a chance with him. His smile is just adorable and his eyes are so pretty and his hands are- no don't think like that not in class! But he's just so cute and handsome and hot. He's an idiot but needs to be my idiot, nobody else's.

-*out of Bakugous mind*-

Denki looked happy but he was upset since it was the end of class. He got up giving a sad look to Bakugo "I h-have to go now." He was almost in tears when Bakugo got up. Denki walked to the door.

"Dunce face!" He called out to Denki who was at the door. Then Denki walked out "I have to confess to you still.." he fell to the ground before remembering he had to help Denki because of Shinsou.

After a while of searching he finally found them! He was happy but, it was just Denki he found. "D-Denki.. am I too late.." Bakugo broke down in tears worse than earlier. He couldn't focus he was so upset.

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