They see us now.

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||Please don't do as Denki does for panic/anxiety attacks like the last one this is based on my experience and don't try this to calm another person down unless you have full permission to see if it helps!||

"I-im f-f-fine" I covered my mouth again since the gasping hurt and it still scares me. I couldn't breathe it would be a burden, I suddenly started to sob and I don't know why.

"Babe! Your not fine please I'll explain after you calm down." He said trying to hug me and get close to me but I kept backing away.

He soon stopped and let me have space since he knew I was uncomfortable and felt bad for doing that to me. I took a drink of water and then backed away and looked at him, I still had trouble breathing but not as bad. "You better... have a good explanation."

His eyes were shocked, then normal before speaking, "your right and I know it won't make up for it but I know how rejection feels and I felt bad so the least I could do was comfort him, I'm..." He kept opening his mouth to say something kept messing up, "soso.. reee. (Sorry since he would have a hard time saying it)" He looked down starting to have a few tears fall from his face.

"Do you mean, sorry?" He shook his head saying yes. "Baku-" I sighed "Babe, I believe you, but please just don't do again with him." I said with a forced smile then I felt someone grab onto me.

"Thank you my love!" He was crying in me and he had a smile so of course I hugged him back. He was a great hugger but then I remembered we had class.

"We're late! And your still classified as missing!" I pulled back and took his hand while I ran to class I'm guessing I pulled him with that tug a little but I didn't want to be any later.

*-at class same POV-*

We finally got to class I was out of breath and so was Bakugo. "Sorry we're late we had a little trouble." I looked up with Aizawa napping and everyone just blankly staring at us, I felt a little nervous. I backed into Bakugo and hid in his chest and I wrapped my arms around him and wanted to be protected. I didn't know what he did after he wrapped his arms back around me. I looked up after a minute and looked around and everyone was back to normal.

"You okay dunce face?" He smirked and started to let go. So I hugged him tighter.

"Don't let go." I whined.

"We have to go sit down and I'll hug you there." He pay my head and I still wouldn't let go.

"Carry me!" I said looking up at him a smile.

"Fine let go so I can pick you up." he chuckled and had a smirk.

"That's scary... But okay!" I released and looked up with my arms. He swept me into his arm carrying me like I was his bride and my eyes widen." (position 1)

"I didn't mean like thi-" I looked away while talking and saw people staring and taking pictures and I got insecure. "I'll just walk." I tried to get out of his arms but he tightened his grip.

"Nope you're stuck in my arms now." He smirked and put me to his side (sort of like 5 in the image). He flipped everyone off as I looked down and blushed, I didn't know someone would do this for someone like me.

We sat down and he placed me on his knees and I put my face in his shoulder. "Comfy" I groaned as snuggled closer to him. "I won't mind staying here forever."

"You weirdo, but, you're still my dunce face and I'll always say that." He pet my head and then kisses me on the cheek. I turned to a tomato since I wasn't ready and some people saw but as long as it made him happy I was okay with people seeing him do that.

"Can I nap?" I yawned after I said that reaching out and holding his hand.

"You don't have to ask." He rubbed my back as I fell asleep.

*-welcome to the dream time-*

I wake my eyes to see a kingdom I look around and saw nothing but roses, lilacs, and stepping stones that lead to the castle. I followed the steps and the bridge came down and I walked in but it closed right as I got in. I followed the carpet to the thrown and I looked up and I saw Bakugo wearing a crown asleep on the chair so I walked up to him and kisses him. He suddenly woke up and pulled me over him and then released.

"Idiot, if you weren't my husband you would have been dead." He had a smirk and then laid back into the position he was sleeping in.

"H-Husband?" I said hesitantly looking at him with wide eyes and a bright neon red shade of blush.

"Yes you moron look at your hand now I want a kiss." I looked down at my hand and then I was dragged into a kiss.

*-Dream over-*

I opened my eyes to see my normal Bakugo kissing me and I kiss him back.

"Good your awake, we have another class then it'll be lunch okay?" He said as he picked me back up (position 2) I was shocked at how he picked me up.

"Babe isn't this to much? I'm pretty heavy." I sighed.

"Heavy? Your lighter than the easiest weights I lift. Your pretty light dumbass." He chuckled again and started walking to math while carrying me. He's really a show-off but I like it, he makes me feel special.

"Okay put me down if I get heavy, even a little, I don't need you hurt okay my love?" I said and just enjoyed the ride.


We eventually sat down in our other class and he placed me on his knees again. Nobody complained and I stayed focused and so did Bakugo so we stayed like that for the rest of the period.

||1041 words|| I made this longer since I have a few short chapters but I will try and make them long

In The End || KamiBaku(?)AUWhere stories live. Discover now