I woke up and chose violence + Update

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A/N: school happened w/ terrible mental health, BUT I AM BACK! Also I just did whatever came to mind.

*-1st person (Bakugou)-*

I woke up to yelling, something I hated with all my might, three voices yelling and one trying to calm everyone else down.

"He doesn't need more drama!" A semi-high pitched upset voice yelled, must be Izuku.

"He's my boyfriend!" That has to be Denki.

"Calm down please." That must be my dad.

"Stop yelling! You two woke him up!" A deep-ish voice yelled, I can't make it out.

"Kacchan, sorry they just busted in." Deku bowed. I just pulled him into a hug, I just needed one of his stupid hugs.

"Whatever, just hug me God damnit." I grumbled as he hugged me back.

"Bakugou, Denki and I need to talk you please." The deep voice said again as I looked over, I saw Shinsou. I sigh and look to him.

"Make it quick, I don't wanna disturb you two." I sighed and Izuku hugged me tighter to reassure me I was alright.

"Alone possibly?" Denki politely asked rubbing his arm shyly.

"Kacchan do you want to be alone with them?" Izuku asked and I shook my head yes. "I'll be by the door so just call if you need me." He smiled. Izuku got up, death staring them and walked out, closing the door behind him.

"Why'd you leave, weren't you having fun?" Denki asked as him and Shinso sat next me. Invading my privacy.

"I was and then you guys started to ignore me, you'd didn't even notice I was gone." I sighed and started to sit up.

"We noticed you were gone about a block away, we retracted our steps looking for you, we tried to call your parents but the assistants put us on hold!" Shinso spat out quickly before giving neither Denki or me a chance to speak. "I know the feeling, you guys are ignoring me so I have to quickly speak so you'll listen to me too!" Shinso said anger-ly.

I felt something explode within me but I don't mean it but I can't hold it back, "You have no right to be in this conversation! You left Denki because you thought you had a chance with me even though it was clear I could only focus on him! You haven't even became our official boyfriend!" I felt something, it burned but before I knew it Denki had hit me. I understand why.

"Bakugou you can't just say stuff like that!" Denki yelled at me putting me in my place and how out of line I was.

"No he's right, I'm just some guy that you both pity." Shinso said and walked out.

"Look at what you did you selfish prick!" Denki yelled at me.

" I didnt-" is all I could get out before he started again.

"Didn't what? Mean to mess up a perfectly fine relationship! Didn't mean to be a bitch and be jealous when we all know how it feels to not be talked too! Didn't mean to ruin something that we all were okay with!Well obviously you did!" Denki finished, I couldn't manage to get a word out. Not after the one person I love so dearly said the most hurtful but true words ever. "We need a fucking break until you can get your head clear, Shinso and I will continue to be a couple and when your doing being the little bitch boy you are acting like come and talk to us!" Denki said and walked out to Shinso as Izuku stood by the door waiting for me to tell him to come back in.

"Kacchan do y-" Izuku started.

"Just go help Auntie Inko." I told him, he nodded and walked off. I really wanted to be alone. I don't want anyone to talk to me, see me, or be near me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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