Yes or no?

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"Yeah I am, is that a yes or a no?" Denki said with a semi serious face.

Bakugo looking like a hot mess then he looked away. "I.. are you sure me?"

"Yes you idiot I'm sure, just say no so I can move on because I know you don't like-" he was cut off when the other blonde went in for a kiss. They kissed for a minute before Bakugo pulled away.

"Your the idiot for thinking I don't like you! I've had a crush on you since last year and I was blunt about it too." Bakugo said holding Denki's hand saying with a soft smile.

"So, does this mean were dating or are you just saying you like me back?" Denki said tilting his head like a confused dog.

"I swear you're an idiot. You just asked me out right?"

"Yeah and?"

"I said yes so what does that mean?"

"Wait- I'm dating Katsuki Bakugo now! Yes I've waiting forever for this!" Denki jumped up onto Bakugo. "Ouch."

"Idiot stay laying down you'll hurt yourself more and I can't handle seeing that. I haven't left you because I was worried but once I see Shinsou I'll kick his ass." Bakugo said laying him down again.

"Fine but, can I call you a nickname in public now? Do I get a lovely nickname too?" Denki said basically jumping up and down.

"I mean yeah but what would I call you?" Bakugo said sitting onto the bed next to Denki.

"Hmmm you could say 'my' infront of the other nicknames! And I could call you cuddle bug!"

"Yeah no! I'm not going to be called cuddle bug."

"Yes you are." Denki said pulling Bakugo down next to him. "My cuddle bug." Denki kissed Bakugous forehead.

"Okay fine you dumbass! I'm your cuddle bug and your my Dunce face." Bakugo said cuddling into Denki.


"Can I call you love or my love as well?"

"Fine but I'm calling you Romeo."

"Okay Juliet." Denki said with a giggle.

"Hey I'm older than you!" He said laying his head in Denki's chest.

"Awe okay baby." Denki said adoring Bakugous soft side.

"Hmph. My idiot, also your comfy." He said holding onto Denki tighter.

*-Sadly the end of the soft Bakugo-*

Suddenly the door flew open and Sero came in. "Hey bro I heard you were in here and- DANG! Never would have thought of this!"

"Sero shut up you tape dispenser!" Bakugo flipped him off still laying down.

In The End || KamiBaku(?)AUWhere stories live. Discover now