Chapter 2: Building a Home

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Shelby's POV

I awake in my temporary shack the next day, laying on my bed. Today is the day that I'm going to start building my actual house. I sit up and stretch. I look at my hunger bar on my right wrist and see that I need to eat. I open the chest next to my bed and take out an apple I had gotten from a nearby apple tree.

Once I am fully fed, I head outside, picking up my axe and sword on the way out. I start figuring out where I want my house to sit exactly, and once I figure that out, I head into the shack and start dragging the chest with all the birch wood inside, out so the wood is right there for when I need it.

I take the shovel from inside the shack too, realising that I'll need to level out the area a little bit.

As I do so, tossing piles of dirt to the side and flattening out the surface, I can hear Zombies and Skeletons burning nearby. I glance around, seeing one coming right at me while on fire. I grab my sword quickly and stab it before it could touch me.

"That reminds me..." I mumble, "I forgot to put my armour on" I say, heading into the shack again to pull on my iron armour. I had spent the entire afternoon yesterday mining for iron. I haven't gotten down to diamond level yet; I'm going to wait until I feel that it'll be necessary.

Things haven't been too bad so far, but how long will that last before more dangerous creatures begin to arrive? Is this just an easy start to let us get our things together?

I'm scared for the first blood moon; I think I'm probably going to make a panic room for when that happens.

I continue to level out the area after adjusting my chest-plate, making sure its secured, so it won't fall off.

I spoke to Scott a lot yesterday, got to know him a little...

I really like him; I feel like this whole experience is going to bring us closer. Literally, the only person out of everyone that I am somewhat familiar with is Dylan. We are from different worlds, but we actually did go to college together 2 years ago.

Right before....


I look around and nod, seeing that the area is wide enough and pretty much flat, so I can start working on my house now. I go over to the chest and pull out a bunch of birch wood. I picture my house back home and nod before beginning to lay down the foundation while humming a tune to myself.

As I do so, I glance up to see one of the others walking up towards me. "Hey Shelby!" she says. I recognise her as Vicki.

I wave with a small smile, "Hello" I say anxiously. I always get nervous around new people.

She smiles, "Are you working on your house?" she asks as she arrives. I nod, "Yeah, I'm going to be rebuilding my home from my home world" I tell her as I continue placing down the foundation, using the side of my axe to hit it into place. She nods, "That'll be nice, since you won't be able to go home for a year" she says.

I nod again, "Yeah".

'If I make it through the year...' I say in my head. I bite my jaw lightly, the fear building up once again. No, it's fine, I'll survive! I know I will.

"Are you heading back to the village?" I question.

She nods, "Yep, I left pretty early this morning so I could gather more materials, means I have more time to continue work on my house too" she says.

I smile with a nod, "That's smart" I say, "I'll let you get back to your house" I tell her.

She smiles, "Okay, see you later Shelby" she says before jogging to the mountain that separates me from the village. I see her climb up a little and then disappear into the tunnel. I sigh lightly and get back to work, continuing to hum the tune I was humming before Vicki came by.

It's a tune I made by myself a couple weeks ago.

Glancing around, I wonder... "If I start full on singing right now... would anybody hear me?" I question.

I really want to sing right now, but I'm scared that somebody else will show up. I may as well, it'll give me something else to do while I finish the foundation.

I take a deep breath and glance around one more time before beginning to sing lightly, continuing to build the outline of my home.

"Let's take it to the start, it was just me and my guitar, a dreamer on the road, no map, just all those stars..." I begin.

"I never backed away, I played where I could play, loneliness befriended me, felt older than my age...". By this point, I'm not even paying attention to if somebody is around, listening to me singing, I'm too busy singing and building to look around.

"I let go a little, I fell for something new, it was sweet for a moment, this love I never knew..." I continue. I take a shaky breath. I made this song about my... past. Well, it was just a year before, but still.

"He called me 'Little Dreamer' and said I'd be okay, I let go of my ambitions and promised him I'd stay..." I broke that promise for a specific reason. Something he told me... something he DID to me...

"Now all of my dreams are floating like a river in my head..." I sigh. I begin going up a layer, leaving gaps for windows of course, "At night in bed, talking to myself, so wide awake..." I trail off.

I take a deep breath, suddenly beginning to sing a little louder. My brain didn't care if anyone could hear me because I didn't notice the person who was walking up to me from the mountain side.

"He kept telling me to let go of my goals, I never questioned, I just let go of my hopes... another vagabond who lost herself to love, oh my lonely soul..." I regret listening to him.

"And now I'm watching as he moves on, tour the road, and I just wander through this empty town alone... Broken Little Dreamer, born to roam, off you go..." I trail, tears beginning to build up. I left that man because he didn't agree with my goals in life, he wanted me to leave everything behind and do what HE wanted.

"I think it's time to go..." I continue, humming lightly afterwards.

"I think it's time to go..." I repeat, humming again, a little softer.

I continue humming to myself lightly, my mind wandering, not noticing the 20-year-old boy standing behind me with worry in his eyes

"It's time to go..." I trail off.

"Shelby...?" a soft voice came from behind me. I gasped and turned around to see Scott. My eyes widened and my hands scrambled to my hair, throwing it over my eyes to hide myself. I wrap my arms around myself.

He steps up to me and pulls me into a hug. I jump slightly, tensing. My hair moved and I was able to see past it, looking up at Scott in shock. "D-Did you make that song...?" he asks softly.

I blush and nod lightly. He frowns, "Is it to do with your past...?" he questions.

I tear up and bury my face in his shoulder, which was unfortunately covered by his iron armour, "I... I don't want to talk about it" I tell him.

It did kind of give the hint that it was to do with my past, but I hoped that he wouldn't try to question it.

I feel him nod and he hugs me tighter.

We end up working together to build my house up for the next hour. He didn't want to leave me alone, and honestly, I didn't mind, I could use the compony right now.


Welp, we have a little insight to Shelby's past, so now we know she had a boyfriend in the past.

Song: Broken Little Dreamer by The Glass Child.

Do you guys like the story so far?

See you later,


One Life, One Chance (One Life SMP Story) (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon