Chapter 13: The Head in her Panic Room

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Shelby's POV

It's been a week now since I became sick. I'm getting better, Scott has been coming by everyday to check on me for around 2 to 3 hours. I'm so thankful for him, and everybody here. Everybody has taken time out of their days to come check on me, even just for 10 minutes.

I sit up with a stretch. I slept a lot yesterday, so I'm pretty much awake, I won't need to sleep until night-time again, I hope.

Tossing my legs over the side of the bed with ease, I stand up, stretching my back, legs and arms. I have no doubt that Scott is probably on his way to check on me soon. At this point, I don't even try to convince him that I'm okay. I appreciate him keeping my company, a little more than I care to let on, if I'm being honest.

I swore I heard somebody in my house earlier this morning while I was asleep, but, honestly, I did give everybody permission to come in if they need anything, at least while I'm not well, since Scott has pretty much told me to stay in bed all week.

I could probably get away with doing some stuff while I wait for Scott, and then rush back to bed when I hear him nearby.

Hopefully this sickness goes away soon, I've been stumbling around my house a lot during this week, my legs have been weak, arms have felt heavy.

I rub my eyes as I make my way down my stairs, being careful to not fall down them. Walking into my temporary kitchen setup, I open the chest and pull out some meat, throwing it into a furnace and cooking it up to eat.

I walk down into my basement after I eat it and notice a small chest sitting in the middle of the room with a letter on the top of it. I pick it up and read it quietly to myself.

"Hey Shubs, sorry, I took some nether-wart without permission. Here's some extra's back, along with some healing potions I made with them -Kim".

I grin and open the small chest. Inside is 3 healing potions and 3 small piles of nether-wart. I take them out gently. I was actually in need of some extra healing potions, and I couldn't make any because, one, I don't have a brewing stand, and two, I suck at making potions, even though I have witch blood.

Yes, you heard me, witch blood. My great-grandmother was a full-blooded witch. I haven't told anybody else that either...

Why do I have so many freaking secrets!? Even I don't know...

I put them gently away in my Nether chest for now and then remember that I was thinking about rebuilding my panic room. I'm going to dig further down underground and make it down there.

Apparently, Britt got a Mystery Man task this week. Cheri had moved in with her and the Mystery Man wanted her to, quote, 'get rid of her' as she is apparently a disturbance to his plans. Britt kind of knew that the Mystery Man wanted her to kill Cheri, because she, also quote, 'has experience in getting people killed'.

That was a call-back to the fact that Britt's punji sticks are what got Netty killed.

Britt somehow managed to trick the Mystery Man into thinking she killed Cheri by pushing her off of a cliff, but what she actually did was throw an invisibility potion on Cheri to make it seem like Cheri fell.

I don't really know how the Mystery Man fell for it, considering the fact that he probably follows people around every single day, unless he happened to be following somebody else when Britt 'did' her task, or maybe he's just stupid.

That's also possible.

Apparently, Lauren also got a Mystery Man task during the week, but she was caught in the act by Dylan. Her task was to flood Sasha's house. The Mystery Man was definitely following them around though, because he apparently sent them a message directly to their communication bracelets, but that wasn't the worse part, he did it DURING a blood moon.

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