Chapter 9: Two Funerals in One Week (Part 1)

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Shelby's POV (3 Days Later)

I couldn't believe the news that came through on the bracelet. None of us expected it to happen this soon. None of us had seen it coming.

Netty died earlier this morning... her body was found lying next to the punji sticks around Britt's house. Britt must feel awful, I can't say I blame her though. If I found out that one of the other people died on a trap that I set to stop monsters from getting to my house, I would probably stay in the house for an entire week, crying my eyes out.

I walk outside of my house, arms wrapped around myself, and I see Scott waiting for me. "Everybody else is up ahead" he says softly. I nod and we begin to follow the rest of the group. Well, not everybody showed up. Vicki and Lauren didn't end up coming along. It's really hard to go to a funeral, all the emotions and... whatnot... so I can't say I blame them. I almost didn't go either.

Catching up to everybody else, we all walk towards where we spawned into this world, where the graveyard is. Caff is actually waiting for us there since he buried Netty's body.

We soon all arrive in silence and take our seats in the small church that Caff said appeared out of nowhere. Maybe the person that sent us here had put it there.

Some of us sat in pairs. Yammy and Kyle sat together, me and Scott sat together. Sasha, Britt and Kim sat together, and Dylan sat on his own on the seats to the left of Scott and I. Caff stood at the front, taking deep breaths, trying not to get choked up. I'm pretty sure all of us are trying not to right now. It's a hard time for all of us...

We can now only HOPE that Netty had a good life while it lasted...

Caff begins his speech, "Brothers, sisters, friends, One Lifer's... we are gathered here today on the saddest of occasions to pay our respects and homage to the late... very late... exceedingly late... Netty. She was a wonderful person, spent a lot of time checking in on everybody..."

It's true, she did.

"It was an emotional ride for all of us... experiencing the first death in this world. It just goes to show you that... unfortunately, life... it's fleeting in this world... and if we can gain anything from this... I think we all know what needs to be done. Although, we have lost Netty in physical form, we have NOT lost her in our hearts, and our minds. Let us all remember her as the lovely person that she was. If anybody wants to say anything, the floor is yours" he finishes, stepping away from the front.

"I will say something" Yammy says, standing up from her bench. She heads to the front, taking a deep breath, "I didn't really get to know Netty much in the time she was here... but I do want to say that... I'm sorry that I didn't see it coming. I appointed myself as group leader, and I feel like... I failed her. But we shouldn't dwell for too long... she wouldn't want us to stay sad" she says.

She sits back down, and then Britt goes up to the front to say a few things, "All I want to say is that it wasn't my fault... I know that I should have been smarter, and I should have warned everybody about the punji sticks... but I didn't. I'm sorry Netty, but I hope you are in a better place now" she smiles gently.

She goes and takes her seat again. Dylan goes up and says 4 simple words, "Netty will be missed..." and then goes and takes his seat.

Nobody else goes to say anything, so Caff heads back up, "Alright, if that's all, let us now head to the graveyard and say our goodbyes to the wonderful Netty..." he says, walking down the aisle. We all follow after him.

It's then that Caff begins to let out a few small sniffles. "You're alright Caff... stay strong, brother" Kim says, walking up next to him and patting him on the shoulder gently.

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